Page name: BotO Streets of Athens Harbor [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-08-09 16:18:06
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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Streets of Athens Harbor



Jade power walked to the florist on her way through town. As she walked it felt strange not seeing Jace running around the park like he usually did in the morning. She made a note to visit him when she went to lunch today. The florist was just opening up when she came up to the door. "Morning Jade." The older man gave her a fond smile as he let her into the shop. "Looking for anything in particular?" Jade nodded her head gently. "I need a nice vase with blue, purple, and pink flowers and some greenary to liven it up." The shop owner that that over for a moment and nodded his head. "Give me 10 minutes and I'll have something whipped up." Jade kissed the old mans cheek. "Thank you, I'll be back in just a minute, I have to pick up one other thing." The bell dinged on her way back out the shop where she turned and headed down to the sweet shop down the block. Once inside it didn't take her long to find a few different types of sweets that she knew would be appreciated. She quickly paid and headed back to the florist where he was finishing up her order. "Oh my goodness, that's beautiful!" The older man beamed with pride as he put a few finishing touches on the piece before ringing Jade up. "Thank you!" She called as she hurried out of the building and headed to BotO The Marina.

Madison had headed straight for Jace's dojo, knowing it was the perfect space to practice. She switched on the lights and moved to open a few windows before she slipped off her jacket and headed over to switch on some music. She turned back to her bag and pulled out a pair of ballet shoes which she carefully slipped on and tied in place before moving to the bar at the side to start stretching in preparation for dancing.

Aiden stepped off the bus and gave his body a stretch. It had been a long ride to this very small town but it was just what he needed to get away from... life. He glanced around before thanking the driver and headed down the street with his duffel bag thrown over his shoulder. Food first and then he'd explore he decided. He noticed a cute little diner down the road and smiled at the name. "Sophie's Dinner... how welcoming." With a shake of his head he crossed the block and pushed open the door to BotO Sophie's Dinner.

"Ok I need an outfit for tonight.." Lena told herself as she strolled down the street. "But what should I get?" She looked thoughtful then paused when she noticed the diner up ahead. "Maybe another coffee to go would be nice before I start." She smiled then strolled on, opening the door to BotO Sophie's Dinner and stepping inside.

Aiden decided before he went to the Marina that he'd take a stroll through town and get acquainted with the area a bit. He passed by several shops, the grocery store and came upon the dojo. "Interesting..." He noticed lights on inside and peered through the window. He noticed there was a woman inside, dancing almost as if she were floating, her fluids were so smooth. "Hmmm..." Crossing his arms over he chest he watched her for a few moments.

Madison was so enthralled by the music and the dancing that the whole town could have stood watching and she wouldn't have noticed. She spun and leapt with great precision and beauty, her hands sweeping this way and that as she let the music wash over her. When finally it came to a stop, she stood panting but smiling happily. She moved to take a long drink of water then headed over to her music to pick something else.

Aiden couldn't help himself, he had to talk to this woman. He hadn't watched someone dance with such passion in a long time. Going to the door he tugged on it to test that it was unlocked before stepping inside. He cleared his throat so as to not frighten her before speaking. "Excuse me..." 

Madison turned quickly at the sound of someone clearing their throat and looked at Aiden in surprise. "Yes?" She asked after a moment. "If your looking for my brother I'm afraid he's not here at the moment."

"No... actually, I'm afraid you caught my attention as I was walking by. I couldn't help but watch you move so swiftly across the floor. You are a very beautiful dancer." And woman.. he commented to himself, not wanting to scare her off. "I'm sorry, you must think I'm rude. My name is Aiden Lightly, I'm just moving into town." He set his bag aside before crossing to her, hand held out to shake.

"Madison Carter." She replied with a smile as she took his hand and shook it lightly. "And thank you. That was just something I've been working on, still needs a little work." She explained. "So you just got into town? That's exciting. Athens Harbor is a great place to live."

"If that needed work then be still my beating heart because perfection from you... I wouldn't be able to handle it." Aiden smiled charmingly as he nodded his head. "Yes, I'm hoping so. Now I just need to find a place to rent. The wonderful woman mentioned a Jade that I needed to find. That's where I was headed when you caught my attention."

Madison blinked at Aiden's statement about her work and couldn't stop herself from blushing. She gave a small cough of embarrassment then suddenly smiled at the mention of Jade. "You're in luck. I actually live with her so could take you there..though I doubt Jade will be at home. She's probably at work. I could take you to see her there if you like?"

"Really? That would be great, but I dont want to take you away from what you're doing." Aiden had noticed her blush, clearly the woman didnt get complimented enough. He'd have to be careful of embarrassing her.

"No its fine. I could use a break. Just let me change into proper shoes." Madison replied with a smile before she turned and headed to where she had set her shoes. She sat down and unplaced the ribbon from her ballet shoes and after slipping them off, pulled on her own sneakers. "So I guess we're going to be roommates for a while then huh?" She asked playfully. "I usually live here in my brothers apartment with him, but he was in an accident yesterday so I didn't feel like being here alone." She said before standing and grabbing her jacket. "Ready?"

"I guess we are," Aiden smiled, happy that he'd be sharing a house with such a pretty woman. "Though Im sorry to hear about your brother. Is he going to be okay?" He asked kindly as he picked up his duffel bag and held the door open for her to exit first.

"Oh yeah he's fine, it's not anything he can't recover from. He'll be up and chasing guys away from me in no time." Madison joked as she stepped out onto the street. "It's a pretty full house at Jade's though, so I hope you like company." She told him with a sideways glance.

Aiden nodded slowly as he followed her out onto the street. "Well thats good to hear." At her mention of a full house he gently shrugged his shoulders. "It can't be any worse than where I lived before... I had more relatives living in the same house then I care to count. So a full house doesnt really bother me." He glanced over at Madison, waiting for her to lead the way. "I plan on opening up a music shop in town, do you think that's a good idea?"

"I think it's a great idea." Madison smiled back at him. "I don't believe Athens Harbor has a music shop so it'd be great to see one." She continued as she carried on walking, heading in the direction of BotO The Marina.

"This town really doesn't have as many shops as I'd hoped." Ate pouted as she headed down the street, Dorian's credit card in her pocket. "Maybe I can try and convince Teos to come meet me. We could shop together." She sighed heavily though when she realised she didn't have a phone and had no way of contacting him. "How boring.." She muttered before pausing and looking around. "Maybe I'll just go and check on Luke and Haidee..give that boy the courage he needs to ask her out." She grinned then turned and headed in the direction of BotO Luke's Farm.

Adela cruised slowly through the streets, windows down. The sea air was helping to ease her headache, she shouldn't have had quite so much to drink last night. She sighed, thinking about Archer and turned down another streed, looking for something to distract her thoughts.

"This town has so much more to offer than what I first thought." Ate mused as she strode along the streets, smiling up at the bright morning sky. She glanced back at Teos and tilted her head with a smile, observing him with hands full of bags. "You need to keep up Teos." She teased playfully before looking ahead again. "Ohhh!" She squealed and pointed up ahead. "Shoes..lets go!" She ordered then hurried on pushing open the door to the shop and holding it for Teos. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time.." She told him unaware of Lena sitting just behind them, an expression of doubt on her face as she tried on a pair of knee high brown boots. Unlike Ate she didn't have a single bag and it seemed she was destined to go home empty handed.

While the bulk of the bags was rather comedic, compared to the minotaur Ate might as well have only bought a hat as far as the weight was concerned. None the less Teos took up a seat to wait near Lena and set the bags down around him to stand guard. Selfishly, he had rather enjoyed seeing Ate try things on today. Especially the undergarments. The lady workers there nearly fainted from the unabashed smiles he had given them but he only had eyes for his goddess, and he made sure she knew it all day. He did not want another repeat of her wrath toward him. It was only chinese food last time but next time? He didn't want to think about it. As Ate went to harrass the poor unsuspecting sales people, he glanced at Lena, pointed, and offered her an encouraging smile. "Those look nice, somewhat plain though, don't you think?"

Lena looked up at Teos, surprised by his voice but gave a friendly smile nevertheless. "Are they? I'm not very good when it comes to this sort of thing..people normally find my taste in clothing and shoes unusual." she joked before pulling off the boot and setting it aside. "I was encouraged to buy nice things..but I'm not having much luck."

"Is that just because you are trying to pick things someone else would like?" Teos asked conversationally. "You'll never find things you want to spend money on that way. Surely there's a balance between, say.. colors or prints or fabrics you like, and perhaps the cut the one who encouraged you to buy nice things would like?"

"He's so stylish and sophisticated and well dressed..but I know he wouldn't want me to change what I wear for him. I guess I just wanted to surprise him with something different. He's hosting a party tonight on a yacht and I thought I could try and surprise him with a sleeker, sexier me..but it's not going very well." Lena chuckled then suddenly looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I'm just spilling all this nonsense onto you.."

Teos waved it away with a chuckle. "Not at all, it's a pleasant change of pace. I think though even cocktail dresses and heels and boots come in things like purple and yellow, don't they? And I bet you can find earrings like stained glass window pieces to show off your eyes, and a fine updo. I don't think you have to paint yourself black or brown or grey to impress your friend. He has his style, you have yours. If you insist on a plain dress and plain shoes though I highly recommend a bright blazer with patterned lining and lots of accessories. You strike me as the type that does better standing out."

Lena smiled more brightly and nodded before blinking as a pair of deep purple heels fell into her lap.

"Try those on." Ate instructed as she walked by and settled next to Teos as the shop worker stumbled after her, carrying a wobbling tower of shoe boxes. "Just set them down here.." She ordered him before pulling off her shoes to start the long process of trying on all the ones she had picked. "Well go on." She said glancing over at Lena who simply stared at her. "I have excellent taste in shoes.."

Lena stared at Ate in wonder. Who was this woman? And why hadn't she met her earlier? She loved her confidence and hoped she could get to know her a little better. "Oh yeah, thanks." She finally said after a moment and quickly moved to pull on the heels as Ate was already on her feet and strolling round in a pair of silver heels of her own.

"Too much?" She aske Teos with a smirk as she paused in front of him, hand on her hip.

"I don't think anything on this earth could ever be 'too much' compared to your overwhelming beauty," Teos replied honestly and instantly, but then gave it some consideration, soon followed by a shrug. To be honest, he thought her legs were more attention grabbing than the shoes. "If you like them, get them. It's not like you're only choosing one pair."

"You're right. I'm probably going to buy them all." Ate grinned then moved back to her seat as Lena stood unsteadily up on the heels. Ate watched her with a tilt of her head then glanced at Teos. "It's like watching a baby deer learn to walk.." She whispered as Lena wobbled across the floor. "Not one for heels dear?" Ate asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really.." Lena replied as her expression was one full of concentration as she tried her best not to fall over.

"A little duckling..yes she's a duckling." Ate whispered now to Teos. "And I want to take her under my wing. She needs help. Guidance. And who better than me to give it. She has so much potential but right now she's hobbling around like she's walking on a pebbled beach. Can we take her home and care for her?" She asked as Lena finally collapsed back in her seat with a relieved breath.

"Maybe metaphorically but I think she already has a home," Teos whispered back soothingly, then a bit more pointedly he suggested to Lena, "Maybe a flat instead then? Or perhaps a nice sandal?" He really missed the draped fabric and sandals.

"Yeah I think that would be a good idea." Lena chuckled as she removed the heels and set them aside. "You guys are being really helpful, thank you. I wish I'd met you sooner." She chuckled as Ate moved to try on another pair of shoes. "I'm Lena by the way." She introduced herself and the tower of boxes almost toppled down as Ate straightened up suddenly and stared at her before slowly turning her head to look at Teos with a smirk. "She's Lena."

Teos' smile back was adoring. "Your expression when you realize they're right in front of you is the best," he doted and chuckled before leaning slightly to offer Lena his hand. "Teos. This beautiful goddess here is Ate." He gestured toward her. "It's our pleasure to meet you. Since we share a goal, why don't we work together?"

"Really? That'd be great!" Lena exclaimed as Ate continued to stare at Teos in disbelief that he hadn't told her that one of the descendants was right in front of them. "Do you guys want to come to the party tonight? My way of a thank you.." Lena offered with a smile.

"There's no need to thank us, but I think we're already going," Teos said gently as he sat back in his seat again and offered open arms to Ate he was fairly certain she wasn't going to take, but his smile was apologetic. Well, a little apologetic. "Is it the one Risk De'lorne is hosting?"

"Oh yes! You know Risk?" Lena asked with a slight blush as she said his name, watching as Ate pouted at Teos before turning away from him and his open arms as she busied herself with the shoes again.

As this afforded a clear view of a backside, Teos greatly lamented being blind. "Not personally," he said instead, dropping his arms and returning his full attention to Lena. "I think he invited... Nathan? Perhaps? Who invited Jade who invited us... Though I might have that trail wrong. Do you know Jade Sachiel? We're two of her new tenants."

"Oh yes I've met her briefly. She seemed nice." Lena answered with a nod. "Well if anyone queries your invite tell them I invited you. I'm Risk's assistant and I live with him so they'll trust that." She stood and moved to pick out a few pairs of flats and sandals as Teos had previously instructed then sat back down to try them on.

While they didn't all know who he or Ate was, Teos did take some joy in knowing so many descendants not only seemed to tolerate them, but actually wanted them around. Well, this wasn't such a failure so far. Ate seemed content to continue finding shoes so he decided to work on condensing some of the bags down so there were less to carry simply for the matter it was awkward to hold too many at once. On another note of joy, he was actually rather enjoying being of use to Ate. He was only half god after all, and he came from a society that had worshiped them during most of his formative childhood. Ate was a treasure to him and, whether she valued it or not, she had his devotion, even if such a thing for a god (and the gods themselves) seemed obsolete in this day and age.

"So are you two married?" Lena asked curiously making Ate snort before finally looking back at Teos as he rearranged the bags. "Well Teos? Are you and I married?" She asked as her playful tone returned and she ran a finger lightly across his jaw.

"Only in my dreams, I'm afraid," Teos admitted sadly, offering Ate that same adoring smile before he reached up and took her hand, pressing a tender kiss to the back. "I'm still working on finding just the right ring to ask, but I'm starting to think I'll have to ask Hephaestus himself to make it if I'm to have something befitting of a goddess as beautiful as Ate is." He released her hand and settled back in his chair. "But I suspect you gain more pleasure from causing me the trouble than you ever would as my beloved."

"I wouldn't be living up to my title if I didn't." Atë smirked at him. "But don't worry, I doubt any man has the ability to tame me for a wife. This goddess likes to be free.."

"Boy you guys really love your Greek mythology don't you?" Lena chuckled as she tried on a pair of yellow flats with small diamond studs on the toe.

Ate looked at Lena and grinned. "You have no idea." She replied playfully before she leaned in against Teos and whispered. "When can we tell this one? I like her, let's play with her. Let's open her eyes to the world."

"She might think we're crazy," Teos warned mildly as he reached up to gently brush a lock of hair from Ate's face. "Why don't you just enjoy some time with her? You two could be great friends but it'll take twice as long if she doesn't trust us. Besides, I think she truly needs your help right now, and not for family affairs." Come to think of it that phrase was a double entendre here.

Ate gave a small pout before sighing. "Fine. But with who she's descended from, she could be very useful to have sooner rather than later Teos." She said then straightened up and fished Dorian's credit card from her pocket. "Go and pay for my shoes and see if they'll deliver.." She eyed the tower of shoe boxes then swiftly stood and moved to Lena, grabbing her hand suddenly and pulling her up. "Come on let's find you the perfect shoes." She said before pulling her away before she could say anything.

Teos was certain that all of the descendants would be very useful sooner rather than later, but he didn't argue, instead simply heading to the counter to talk to the manager about potential delivery. At first it was no but once the half-god explained the sheer amount of money they were spending, and that he would pay a nice fee to have them brought to Jade's house, the owner came around. He couldn't expect this level of business every day, after all. Teos used a few bills to pay for a pair of shoes for himself, as well as the delivery fee, before returning to his seat to await Ate's next whim. While he waited he checked on a few of the descendants. When he got around to Haidee and Luke, his eyes widened slightly at seemingly nothing. Ate was going to want to know, most likely very much.

"What's up with you?" Ate asked with a raised eyebrow as she stopped in front of Teos, a hand on her hip. Lena was standing at the counter now, paying for two pairs of shoes Ate had helped her pick out. "You look surprised Teos. What's the news?"

Teo's expression of surprise shifted seamlessly into his friendly smile. "Ate, Luke knows what he can do now, Haidee explained after what happened this morning," he replied. "He knew a little before, but he believes now. More than that though, she told him about herself. I believe they're significantly closer now..." He sat up and took her hands, still smiling up at her. "And it's thanks to your meddling. Maybe I should let you lead for a while." He chuckled and pressed an appreciative kiss to her hands."

"Yes you should." Atë replied playfully as she allowed him to grip her hands. "My actions might seem too much but it always works out exactly as it should. I know what I'm doing." She told him before she glanced back at Lena. "I still believe she should be told soon. With who she's descended from, she'll probably be our communication link between everyone. And if we're lucky when we fine tune her abilities, she might even be able to tune into olympus radio." She joked with a grin. "Be our little spy."

"I was wrong to doubt you, my goddess," Teos replied, the endearment tinged with nearly the same joking tone she had used. He released her hands. "I will follow your wishes with Lena, then. What do you feel we should do? Keeping in mind of course we will be seeing her and half a dozen other descendants later, so we don't want to completely alienate her."

"No of course we don't want to alienate her but I feel the best way to do this is just be straight with them. Tell them exactly how it is." Atë replied with a small shrug. "I believe she'll actually take it quite well. She doesn't seem the type to get overwhelmed by anything."

"Perhaps," Teos conceded. "I just felt the ones that took it the best so far were ones that had experienced what they can do before we explained it, so it wasn't just some strange story. Has Lena done anything to indicate her ancestry?"

"Well actually she has." Ate replied softly as she glanced at the other woman who was still busy conversing with the sales worker. "Like Hermes, god of thieves, our little Lena has quite the talent for breaking into things she shouldn't be able to growing up. Be it a heavily locked door, a computer with the highest security, nothing was impossible for her..she was always finding herself in trouble as a child for doing these things she hadn't meant to. Her curiosity always got the better of her. It always made me chuckle when I found out what trouble she was getting into." Ate smirked as she looked back at Teos. "Oh and not forgetting her absolute love of communication..Twitter, Facebook, email..she uses them all on a daily basis. She's a true little messenger."

Teos would have considered that last part indicative of the times but he nodded anyway. He settled back in his chair and lifted a hand to gesture toward her as he asked, "Do you want to talk to her now then? At the party? After the party? Tonight? Tomorrow?"

"Why wait when she's right here?" Ate grinned as she poked Teos's chest. "We could invite her over to ours for tea..I could tell her that I want to help her find something to wear..something like that. I think she's going to love what we have to tell her."

Teos smiled and nodded again agreeably, but addressed Lena instead as soft padding of feet indicated she was returning to them, "Did you find the perfect shoes? I'm sure with Ate's help you were able to pick something stunning."

"She is my new favourite person." Lena grinned as Ate waved her off with a smirk. "I want you around every time I go shopping. I mean seriously, you just know what's right."

"Well I have years of experience of styling the perfect looks.." Ate replied as she watched Lena then opened her mouth to speak again but Lena spoke first.

"Would you both like to come to mine for some coffee, you know as a thank you for your help." She said with a hopeful smile. It seemed she was reluctant to say goodbye to her new friends.

There were no words for the feeling Lena lit in Teo's chest. He had friendship with Jade now, he had devotion to Ate, but Lena... The way she spoke, what she said, it was almost... familial, and he did incredibly well keeping the magnitude of his joy off his face, instead simply continuing his friendly, disarming smile as he nodded to her this time. "I think we'd love to," he agreed gently before standing from his chair and collecting Ate's bags. "Were you needing an outfit as well before we head to yours?"

"Well yeah I probably should.." Lena started but Ate waved her off.

"My deal girl, do you see all the bags my dear Teos is carrying? There will be something spectacular in those that you may wear." She said with a smile making Lena blink in surprise.

"Are you serious? That's so kind of you! Thank you!" Lena grinned then waved for them to follow her. "Do you need to go anywhere else before we head to mine?"

"Need? No," Teos chuckled and followed the women out of the shop with a nod of farewell toward the sales people. He didn't have a hand to wave with, after all. "Want may be another matter. Ah, but there's always next time. Or the time after that. Or the time after that."

"Oh yes I have many more shopping trips planned for myself and Teos." Ate smiled as she strode confidently along beside the other woman. "Now where are we going?"

"It's not to far from here." Lena explained as she led the way down the street towards BotO de lorme condo.

"Well here we are." Luke said as he pulled his truck up outside the flower shop. "Well that was a little bit more of an adventurous morning than I was hoping for, right?" He said jokingly as he turned to look at Haidee.

Haidee considered it more disastrous than she was hoping for, but sure, they could go with 'adventurous'. "Yeah, I'm sorry about my part in that," she told him apologetically. "I didn't mean to cause you stress, and now I've kept you from your chores." She sighed, toying with the wicker of her picnic basket. "And now I want to invite you up to at least have this food and some lemonade but that would keep you even longer..."

"You want to invite me up?" Luke repeated in a surprised tone. "Well I.. Uh.. I guess my chores could wait just a little longer. I wouldn't want the food to go to waste."

Haidee looked uncertain, even looked up at him as if looking at his face, his eyes, would give her an answer of if he was sure, but in the end she nodded and let a little smile spread her lips again. "Just for a little while," she agreed, then unbuckled herself and carefully climbed out of the truck before digging her keys out of the pocket of her jeans to unlock the door. She glanced behind her, smiling apologetically for needing to make sure he was coming, before leading the way up the narrow, steep staircase to the second floor flat. "Just make yourself at home," she encouraged as she headed to the kitchenette. "I'll get the food ready."

"Are you sure you don't want any help? It's already prepared right? So I can't mess it up." Luke replied playfully as he stood looking around before he moved to the couch and perched nervously on the seats edge. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been in someone other than jade's home. He really wasn't sure what the proper etiquette was or if there even was one.

"I think maybe after a few more visits and you're more comfortable you can try," Haidee replied wish a little giggle as she set about splitting the soup into two bowls. "Would you like some lemonade?" She already had glasses at the ready but she wasn't sure what he wanted to drink. "Or water?" She paused, gripping the counter for a moment while she caught her breath. She was so tired, but she had to shake it off, just a while longer. She took another breath and continued dividing the food between them.

"Lemonade is great thank you." Luke replied as he moved to slip off his jacket and set it neatly on the arm of the couch. "If you want me to leave at any point just say. You still need to rest."

She never wanted him to leave though. Or, more precisely, she did, but she wanted to go with him. What she needed was another matter. She returned to the living area and placed their two drinks on coasters on the worn coffee table, retrieved their food and offered him his before taking a seat on the couch herself with a few inches between them for space. "I will," she promised as she demurely dipped her chunk of bread in her bowl. Anything to keep from staring. Did Luke work shirtless if it got too hot? She could feel the blush creeping onto her cheeks and continued instead to distract herself. "I don't want today to color your opinion of me. I've lived with this a long time, and the... the god thing, not nearly as long but it's already felt like too long. I still really want to help at your farm-" Though she supposed she was mostly the opposite today. "And I promise," she added, looking at him instead of tending to her food. "Whatever I do, it doesn't extend to plants. I won't hurt your crops, I swear."

"I wasn't even thinking about that Haidee..I want you to continue visiting my farm. But if you do you must let me know if you want to take a break. I don't want to be scolded by the doctor again." Luke joked as he smiled over at Haidee. "I've gotten used to having company up there, I'd miss you if you didn't come back." He tore a large chunk of bread off and dunked it into his soup and lifted it towards his mouth but scowled when it crumbled mid air and landed on his shirt, staining it with hot soup. "Oh no.."

Oh come on, real life wasn't like that. Haidee had to take a half moment with her eyes closed to remain calm, then opened them again and carefully set her food on the table. "It's ok. Maybe I have something you can borrow," she offered with a little smile then stood and walked around the couch to the door beside his end of the couch. There was some dresser drawers thumping and some distinct shifting before she finally reemerged and held out a white men's t-shirt, a size too big for him. On it was a worn image for the local annual festival. "Is this ok?"

Luke had been about to tell Haidee it was OK, that he could simply wipe the soup off but she was already up and gone. He wiped his hands off then stood, peeling off his shirt as he did so as not to spill soup on the floor, then stood waiting for her return, his shirt clutched to his chest. "Oh yeah.. It's fine." He said with a bashful smile as he held a hand out for it once Haidee returned. "Thanks."

She could physically feel the blush on her neck as she handed over the shirt and averted her eyes, though she did leave one of her hands held out to ask for his now dirty shirt. "Are you doing this on purpose?" she asked quietly, still keeping her eyes turned away. It seemed awfully mean of him. "Do you... dirty your shirt with a lot of girls?" Was the innocent sincerity an act these last few days?

Luke blinked at her and almost dropped the shirt she had given him. "You honestly think I did this on purpose?" He replied before he sighed and set it down and moved to pull his own dirty shirt back on. He glanced down at the stain with a frown then shook his head. "No I don't dirty my shirt with a lot of girls. I'm just unfortunately clumsy." Her words stung at him and suddenly he didn't have much of an appetite. "I should go.. You need to rest.." He said quietly as he moved to pick up his jacket.

She stopped him with a hand on his. "Wait- I'm sorry, I'm just..." She let go of his hand to hold her other arm instead. "I'm just not sure what to do here," she admitted. She managed to drag her eyes back to his and they were highlighted by the blush tinging her cheeks. "I like you," she admitted quietly. "And you like me, right? But we've only known each other a couple days. You see why..." She let go of her arm to motion from the bottom of his shirt upward to indicate his removal. "I'm uncomfortable seeing it," she finally admitted. "When we're here.. alone... in my home."

"I wasn't expecting anything to happen..the soup was hot Haidee and I didn't want to risk spilling it on your furniture. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." Luke replied as he gripped his jacket in his hands. He seemed to think for a moment before he looked at Haidee. "I like you..a lot.. and you said you like me. But the problem is..I don't know how to proceed. Will you ever feel comfortable enough around me?"

"I hope so..." Haidee replied, the same honest words she had spoken to him on the phone the evening before. "I think it's easier now, now that you know about us, what we are." She paused again, thinking about it, then shifted a little on her feet, her blush deepening. "I think," she began in nearly a whisper. "This is where you're supposed to ask me on a date."

Luke blinked then stuttered as he dropped his jacket. "O-oh..oh right." He said with a nod as he clasped his hands nervously in front of him. " would you like to go out with me tonight?" He asked, his voice shaking slightly as if worried that even though she had given him the idea, there was still the possibility she would say no.

Heart fluttering in her chest, Haidee's smile was shy but bright and she took a moment to answer not because she had to think about it, but because she had to muster the courage to speak the words. "I'd love to. Where would you like to go?"

"Oh..I don't know." Luke replied and couldn't help but give an embarrassed chuckle. "Where would you like to go?"

"Maybe... we could just start with a walk on the beach? The sunset paints the sky beautifully and when the stars come out and reflect on the water... It's really wonderful," Haidee suggested. She was doing surprisingly well keeping her eyes on his face, though the fact that she liked looking at it helped. They didn't need to do anything too much, it was only a first date, she didn't want there to be too much pressure and they had already established they liked just spending time together.

"Yeah I like that idea..I could even try and make some food to bring." Luke replied with a smile. "Though I might suggest that you eat beforehand, just in case my cooking is a failure."

Haidee giggled then pointed to his shirt. "Maybe it's best we postpone any more meals together. Besides, I like talking with you. It's hard to do that as we eat.

Luke smiled and gave a small nod. " meals. Just us. I look forward to it." He picked up his jacket again then looked at Haidee. "You really should get some rest now though. We can talk more tonight ok?"

Haidee nodded and let him take the lead to the stairs. "You can call or text any time if you want," she reminded him, then reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him from descending just yet. "If you can get a suit... wear it tonight. In case we decide to go swimming."

Luke's brows furrowed slightly as he thought on what she had said. A suit? For swimming? Won't it get wet then? He thought as he imagined himself in a suit and tie, paddling in the waves. But it suddenly dawned on him that she meant swimming trunks and he suddenly blushed, embarrassed at his stupidity. "Oh..oh yeah of course." He replied as he looked up at her. "I'll pack some towels."

She smiled, glad he was agreeable. "I look forward to it," she told him and lowered her hand still resting on his shoulder. "I'll see you tonight then."

"I'll pick you up here at seven." Luke answered as he took a step down the stairs then paused and looked back at Haidee. "See you tonight." He smiled at her one last time then turned and disappeared down the stairs and out into his truck, deciding his first stop would be to pick up some swimming trunks.

"The tip came anonymously online." The dispatcher told Adela over the radio as she drove, not sure where she was headed yet, "Sweety, the tip said he would be in a hidden cove where only his friends could find him." Immediately, Adela knew exactly where she would find Archer. "I need an ambulance on the beach." She told the dispatcher, "The bus won't be able to make it to the cove, they need to stop at the tree line north of the marina, and take a stretcher across the rock jetty, I'll meet them there." She prayed she wasn't too late as she switched on her siren and headed for boto the beach.

"So what kind of food do you like?" Madison asked Aiden curiously as she headed along the street towards Jace's apartment. The thought had just come naturally to head there instead of Jade's. "Anything you're allergic to? I don't want to send you to the hospital on your first day here." She finished with a chuckle.

"No, I'm a pretty easy guy to cook for. I eat just about anything, at least from what I've tried I'll eat it all. So if you have a specialty then I'll gladly eat whatever it is." Aiden smiled softly and shook his head. "Also not allergic to anything so I think we're good there."

"I don't know about specialty but I'll try my best to rustle up something tasty." Madison chuckled as she led him to the apartment then carefully unlocked the door. "Please come in. Make yourself at home." She told Aiden as she held the door open for him.

Aiden glanced around the large, open apartment that was placed above the dojo. He took off his leather jacket and draped it over the back of one of the bar stools. "For a single guy, he keeps his place really clean." Though from what he saw of Jace, he could imagine why. He was very disciplined and... intense so a neat freak fit there nicely.

"Yeah he likes everything to have it's place.." Madison chuckled as she slipped off her jacket and set it aside before looking at Aiden. "Can I get you a drink or something first?"

Lena had to stop herself running along the street to get to the office. She hoped her bosses weren't too mad. But wait.. She suddenly thought as she skid to a halt. Whats their names.. Her eyes widened at this realization. She groaned lightly. This couldn't go well. She started walking again, trying to fix her clothing and hair as she approached the office, finally noticing two people standing outside. They were much younger than expected. Maybe they wouldn't be too serious. "Excuse me?" She said softly as she gave her friendliest of smiles. "Are you here to see Mr DeLorme?"

Caiden and Roan looked at her from where they stood next to their car, then straightened up and moved towards her. "Yes.." Caiden answered. "He should have been here by now.."

Lena's smile weakened slightly. Perhaps they would be serious. "He apologizes for his lateness and will be with you very soon. I'm Lena his assistant. If you'd like to follow me up into the office, I can make you a refreshment as you wait.."

Roan sighed heavily then nodded. "We weren't aware Mr Delorme felt it was necessary to hire an assistant. I assume we are paying your salary?"

"O-oh..I'm not sure..sorry.." Lena stuttered nervously as she unlocked the door and led them up into the office. Please hurry up Risk..

Risk checked his watch again. The run home had left him sweaty and smelling like the marina, so he'd showered just long enough to wash his hair and the darkest places on his body before dressing and calling a taxi. The taxi was currently driving him to his office, and pulled out in front of it just in time for him to catch Lena leading the Blakewoods inside. He tossed some cash to the driver and hopped out of the cab, heading upstairs quickly. He stopped just long enough at the door to fix his tie and sweep back his chocolate brown hair, take a breath and put on a calm and collected face, then stepped through the door at a leisurely stroll. "Ah, the Blakewoods," he greeted with a smooth smile, closing the door behind himself. "I see you've met my darling new assistant."

Caiden and Roan turned to look at Risk, each raising an eyebrow at his words. "Yes, she has been very welcoming." Roan replied making Lena smile with a small blush before she scurried off to the small kitchen to fix a pot of coffee for them. "But she is another matter we shall discuss." Caiden added once she was gone, his serious gaze fixed on Risk. "Now if you don't mind.." He motioned to Risk's office before he and his brother turned and headed into it. Instead of taking the seats that clients would normally take in front of the desk, Caiden and Roan moved behind it, to Risk's spot. Roan settled in the seat, whilst Caiden moved to the filing cabinet and began to look through the documents there. "Please have a seat Mr Delorme." Roan spoke as he settled his elbows on the desk and steepled his fingers and resting his chin on top. "You understand how important this business is to us, don't you Mr Delorme?"

Risk had given Lena a reassuring smile before she'd vanished into the break room, and then followed the twins into his office. He took the seat usually reserved for clients and crossed one ankle over his knee, folding his hands in his lap professionally. "I understand, yes. This business is just as important to me." he smiled. "And you'll find that during your absence, business has been going smoothly, and we've acquired about a dozen new clients. Including a couple that I'm working on personally right now: the mayor's new boardwalk awning art piece, of which I have contracted Tilly Gelson to complete; and a new dance studio location for a new Athens citizen. Our numbers are rising as projected."

"Hmm.." Caiden said as he flipped through a file he had taken from the cabinet then set it in front of Roan for him to see. "Yes I can see things have been going well." Caiden continued as he looked at Risk, folding his arms over his chest as he did. "So we might be able to let the fact you chose to close the business today slide. Now you said you were planning a business gathering tonight. I assume the invite extends to us?" He asked slowly.

"Of course it does! What good would it be as a business gathering if my employers and the owners of the business aren't there?" Risk asked with a relieved and confident smile. "It'll be this evening on my yacht. I expect quite a few potential and current clients to be there. In fact, it's why the office was closed today--to prep for the party. Lena was helping me with it."

"About Lena.." Roan started before the door suddenly opened and she stepped inside, carrying a tray with a coffee pot and three cups.

"Here you go." She said with a smile as she set it on the table. "Is there anything else I can get you?"She asked bur Caiden shook his head.

"No thank you Lena. Now if you could give us a moment.."

"Of course." Lena smiled one last time then turned and headed back out.

"You needed an assistant?" Caiden finally asked once she was gone and his attention went back to Risk.

"The filing and paperwork was starting to pile up due to our increase in business. I was spending more and more time out of the office closing deals and not as much in the office cleaning and keeping things organized. Lena is new in town and needed a job. She has been a great help, and she makes a fantastic cup of coffee." Risk grinned, grabbing up one of the cups. He added some sugar and took a sip, then let out a satisfied, "Ahhh... Yes, I certainly got lucky with her."

Caiden eyed him a moment then finally a smile cracked across his lips. "You're still a pain in our ass as always.." He joked after a moment as Roan handed him a cup then took up his own. "You can relax now, we're done with our official interrogation.." Caiden pushed the cabinet closed and sat on the corner of the desk, grinning at Risk. "So how much are we paying her?"

Risk huffed out a sigh of relief and took another sip of his coffee. He laughed and shook his head as he set his cup down and then looked at the twins. "I think Lena is about to piss herself, if I'm honest. You two are so intimidating when you want to be. We're paying her a little more than minimum, but I think you'll find she's certainly worth it. Would you like me to call her back in here for a formal meet and greet?"

"Our father taught us well on how to deal with our unruly staff.." Roan teased before he nodded at Risk's question. "Of course bring her in. Let us have a little more fun." He added before taking another sip of his coffee.

Risk nodded and stood from his chair. He moved to the door and opened it, leaning out and looking at Lena. As her back was turned, he was smiling, but when he approached her his face was painted in all seriousness. "Lena? Can you come into my office, please? The Blakewoods have some questions for you."

Lena looked over at him and gulped nervously. "Are they going to fire me? Did you get fired?" She gasped as she moved to him. "They seemed really strict!"

Risk realized then that he couldn't keep up such a ruse. She seemed so concerned and he didn't want to scare her. He gave her a relaxed, closed-lipped smile and rubbed her arms. "No, I didn't get fired, and I don't think you're going to get fired either. They just want to get to know you." he said. "Don't worry about them... they're tricksters. They may act all serious, but they're a couple of goofballs." he whispered. "They think they're gonna scare you, so try to play along. If you can make them laugh, you have a long and bright future with the company." he winked.

"They tricked us?" Lena blinked then suddenly smiled. "Make them laugh, easy." She said then turned and headed into the office. "Risk said you wished to see me?"

Caiden looked at her seriously and gave a nod. "We both felt like we should know who works for our company. So why do you think you're right for the job?"

"Because I'm great on the computer, very friendly and am very organised." She explained with a smile.

"Is this true?" Roan asked Risk, his expression still serious.

Risk nodded, still in the midst of closing the office door and returning to his seat when the question was asked. "Absolutely. She didn't need any training, just sat right down and got to work. She figured everything out herself and dove headfirst into the tasks I set for her without asking any questions." He eased himself back down into his seat and took up his coffee again, taking a sip.

"Is that so?" Roan asked, his act slipping slightly as he seemed genuinely impressed. "Maybe you should come and be our assistant." He added causing Caiden to give a small nod of agreement.

Lena blinked. Was this part of their tricks. She glanced at Risk then back at the twins. " I guess.." She replied with an awkward smile. "But then who would take care of Risk?"

"I'm sure we could hire him a new assistant. Isn't that right Risk? You would be alright if we hired you a new assistant so Lena can work for us personally?" Caiden asked and it seemed his question was genuine. "We need a personal assistant now we're back.."

Something unreadable flashed across Risk's face--a rare emotion. Jealousy. Possessiveness. He took another sip of coffee and cleared his throat as he thought for a moment, and then said, "No, I wouldn't mind at all. Lena obviously has some valuable talents to offer this business. If you think her best opportunities would be achieved at a higher level than my meager office, then please feel free to promote her." He smiled at Lena gently, but his it didn't reach his eyes, and his shoulders seemed a bit tense.

"Great." Caiden smiled before taking another drink of coffee and setting the cup down. "You're right, this is fantastic." He chuckled lightly. It seemed the act was over. "Well then, we'll discuss the matter of your new position later at the party Lena, you're going to love working with us. You'll go everywhere with us.." He grinned as Caiden stood up. "Text us the details of what time the party starts Risk and a guest list if you please. Now we need to be going. See you both later. It was lovely meeting you Lena." They gave a final wave then turned and disappeared from the office.

Lena watched them go then turned to look at Risk. "I.." She started but stopped, completely shocked that she was speechless. She wasn't really excited at the thought of a new job. She liked working with Risk.

Risk didn't say anything at first either. He was still in his seat, waiting until he was sure the twins were gone before he stood, set his coffee cup down, and faced Lena with his hands in his pockets. "Well..." he started, a bit awkwardly, "I suppose a congratulations is in order." He smiled at her, thin and strained.

"I guess..though I'm not feeling much like celebrating.." Lena admitted after a moment before giving a weak smile and turning towards the table to clean up the coffee cups. "Don't suppose they'd take too kindly to me turning it down..will you be ok without me?" She joked.

Risk's smile turned down into a frown and he reached out, gently grabbing her elbow to stop her cleaning and so she would listen to him. "Lena, you don't have to accept their offer if you don't want it. They're good guys. They'll understand if you turn them down. You are not obligated to accept their offer anymore than you're obligated to stay here with me. You're not." he explained softly. He moved to stand beside her and looked down at her, admiring her. "I won't lie and say I won't miss your company, because I will. Even if you've only been here a couple of days." He laughed, but it was forced. "And it's not like we wouldn't still see each other at home.... Right?"

Lena smiled as she looked at Risk then gave a small nod. "I hope so." She replied playfully. "Hopefully still in the same room like last night." She added with a soft chuckle. "Which reminds me.. If you and I continued to share a bed then that would mean my original bed was free, right? How would you feel if we offered it to someone in need?" She asked.

Risks smile turned into something full of deep adoration and he nodded. "I think we could do that." He slid his hand down from her elbow to her hand and squeezed it gently. "I know there's a level of professionalism required when we're in the office but... Can I kiss you right now?"

"Well we're not actually open so.. Kiss me all you want." Lena replied with a Playful smile as she looked up at Risk.

Risk closed the distance between them slowly, cupping her cheek with his free hand as he did. He looked her in the eyes until their lips connected, and then he closed them and breathed out a sound of relief.

Lena instantly melted into the kiss, her eyes closing slowly as she gripped the front of his shirt. Wow.. She thought, hoping this moment never ended.

This is amazingshe's amazing... I'm so luckyI don't want to lose her... Never felt this way before... Risk's thoughts rambled as he kissed her. He slid his arms around her slowly and drew her closer to him as he leaned back against his desk. He broke the kiss just briefly to smile at her and admire her face while her eyes were closed, then kissed her again, as soft as before.

As they kissed, Lena suddenly had flashes of Risks voice filling her mind. Amazing.. So lucky.. Don't.. Lose her.. Never felt.. Before.. She blinked as he broke the kiss then suddenly blushed crimson. Before she could say anything though, he was kissing her again and once again taking her breath away.

Risk finally pulled away from her, his hands tight on her hips where she stood between his knees. He licked his lips a little and smiled at her sheepishly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away... I just like kissing you." he admitted.

Lena gave a small laugh. "I like kissing you too." She admitted as she watched him with a smile and a tilt of her head. "You can kiss me anytime you like.." She glanced at the clock then back at Risk. "Do we have to start organising the party or do we have some time to relax..?"

"We should probably go see to the party. Now that we know the Blakewoods will be there, we need to make sure everything is in perfect order before they arrive." Risk said with a reluctant sigh. He caressed her chin with his thumb a moment, just admiring her face, then pulled away and stood off of his desk. "C'mon. Let's go get it done. Maybe we'll get some time to relax before guests start arriving."

Lena gave a small nod as she smiled. "Are we going to stay on the yacht tonight?" She asked curiously. "It could be like a little getaway. Especially if the party finishes late tonight.."

"I think that sounds great!" Risk agreed with a smile. He led her out of his office and locked it closed behind them, and gave a little laugh of embarrassment when he remembered he'd taken a taxi to work. His car was still sitting at Cash's. "Uh... do you mind walking?" he asked sheepishly.

"Not at all, some fresh air sounds nice." Lena replied with a smile then moved to wrap her arm around his. "Is this ok? I'm not being too forward am I?" She asked with a glance.

"My dear Lena, you could never be too forward with me." Risk said with a smile down at her. He patted her hand where it was looped around his elbow and he kissed her head before leading her away from the office and towards boto the marina in a leisurely walk.

The airplane ride to this place had been long and uneventful, which was a new change for Vanden. He stepped off of the plane on the small airfield and looked around from behind his sunglasses, a heavy duffle slung over his shoulder. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and nodded. This place should be nice for a while. He took a rental car to the streets of the city, and stopped by the post office to register his name and collect his mail, and on his way out, stopped to notice a bulletin board with some papers posted about places to stay. A place caught his eye and he grunted in approval, ripping it from the board easily before heading back to his car. He settled himself and headed for boto Jade's House.

Aiden glanced around the room with a smile and nodded his head at Madison's offer. "Water will be fine. I'm not much for sugary drinks unless I'm out at a restaurant." He peered her way with the tilt of his head. "Anything I can do to help?"

"You want to help me in the kitchen? With your help I'm sure we'll have something edible in the end." Madison chuckled before she motioned for him to follow her into the kitchen. "I'm not even sure what my brother has stocked here."

"Well lets hope it's not beer and chips." Aiden chuckled as he rounded the island and stepped into the fairly spacious kitchen just as Madison's phone began to ring. "Ooo do you need to get that? Food can wait."

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just give me a few moments." Madison replied as she grabbed up her phone and checked the caller id. "Hey Jade. Is everything OK?" She asked in a pleasant tone.

"Hey, yes everything is fine. Jace is being discharged and on his way home. He sent Adela and I a group message and she went to pick him up." She paused for a moment, thinking how to word things. "Jeez... this is weird and I hate to ask. But are you planning on staying with Jace now that he's home? I forgot to take my flyers down and a man just came into town needing a place to stay. I didn't know what else to do." Even though Madison couldn't see her cheeks, they were still blazing red.

"Jace has been released?" Madison replied in a surprised tone. Why didn't he call me? She thought then returned to what Jade was saying. "Oh sure, don't worry about it. I'll definitely be staying with Jace now, he'll need my help. So the new guy can have my room.."

"I think just a few moments ago." Jade said softly. "I don't want to rush you out so please let me know if you don't want to leave. I'll figure something out."

"No it's fine. It wouldn't be fair if I took up a room at your house when I have a perfectly good one here." Madison replied as she began to pace back and forth as they spoke. "I can come by later and collect my things."

"You were the one that said 'maybe'," Dorian insisted as Cash found a spot to park his car, but his tone and expression were far from desperate. He was rather enjoying the scarlet hue his friend had taken on. "'Maybe' means there's a chance." He looked at the shop they had pulled up to, a consignment shop with a couple mannequins in the window sporting a couple trendier outfits the staff had pulled together from the available wares. Dorian reluctantly removed his hand from where it had settled behind Cash's headrest to unfasten his seat belt and exit the car. "I don't know, Wick," he joked uncertainly. "I don't think I'll find a tux here."

"You always have a chance, Gorgeous. It's just a matter of timing," Cash smirked through his blush before stepping out of the Hellcat himself. "Probably for the best~ Over half the town would die of heart attacks. Let's just get you a suit or sports jacket and watch the rest of them turn green."

"As long as I get to see you turn red," Dorian replied half-absently and held the door for Cash to enter first, then followed as he took in the various racks of clothing. It didn't take much to find where the men's clothing was kept and he leisurely poked through a few but ultimately seemed quiet content to just let Cash choose whatever he wanted to see on Dorian, even if it wasn't strictly for the party. He wondered to himself if he would need a special clock to know when the right time was with Cash. He flirted with the man almost since the day he met him, but as open as he was with affection, the idea of really and truly being intimate with him left his palms a little damp from nerves.

"Won't you get tired of that, eventually...?" Cash muttered under his breath as he walked into the store and marched to the men's department. Ooh, they have vests... He pulled out his cellphone to check the weather forecast for the time of the party.

Meanwhile Dorian had experimentally put on a wicker trilby and was examining himself in an antique mirror set up for the accessories section. It made his curls stick out on the sides and he fluffed them with stoic precision, making the effect even more ludicrous. Fun had, he pulled the hat off again and set it back on a hook before coming to Cash's side. "See anything you like?" It was said with surprising innocence and, sure enough, he wasn't making a joke. In fact, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact with the teenage sales girl currently manning the shop.

The redhead did not even glance in the playful man's direction as he checked the radar and precipitation forecasts, just to be sure--there was a storm that came out of nowhere, yesterday...--and replied to the question with an absent-minded "Always..." Finally, a grin stretched across Cash's face as the weather app reinforced his plans and in a matter of seconds he had pocketed his phone and thrown three vests and two shirts into his friend's arms before walking towards the pants with a thoughtful pout: "Do you think jeans would be too casual?"

"I'm not sure," Dorian replied as he followed his companion while sorting the small pile of clothes in his arms more neatly over one. "The idea of wearing dress trousers on a boat seems really weird to me. Maybe business casual rules? Clean and neat, no holes or wear and tear?"

"Alright, then," with a decisive nod, Cash flung a pair of dark jeans on top of his other selections, "start with those. Just to get an idea if you should wear a dark shirt or a light one, at least. Then we'll keep looking."

"Brick walls couldn't keep me from looking," Dorian teased, giving Cash an open once-over before he grinned and half spun on the spot to face the dressing area in the back, blocked off with a curtain rather than a door. The interior made him think it was once a closet, but he had enough space so he hung up the items and stripped, took a moment to stretch- he was still a little stiff from sleeping pinned under a man on the couch and he wished that was as fun as the recap sounded- letting out a contented sigh when his back popped in just the right place. Only then did he pick up the pants Cash wanted and tug them on. They were perhaps a bit too long, but he imagined they'd be fine with shoes, and Cash hadn't specified a top so he stood there, hand on his chin, looking back and forth between them, shrugged, then tugged on the plain white one. He was fairly certain he would consider this 'too tight' but there was a good chance he wore his own clothes too loose. Eh, well, whatever. He pushed the curtain back and posed in the doorway, hand on either side of the frame and gave Cash a pout which matched the cock of his hips. "Whadda ya think?"

Cash considered looking around some more while Dorian was trying things on, but figured it would be pointless to pick out more before finding out what looked best, first. So instead he absently looked through the belt-buckles displayed by the changing room as he waited. When the curtain opened again, Cash turned to face him with an expectant grin before pouting himself at the fully-exposed button-up. Stepping closer to Dorian, the redhead started unfastening the three uppermost buttons of the shirt as he spoke: "Handsome as always, of course. You really should wear you're own size more often-" he unfastened the fourth button before taking a step back with a thoughtful hum, then stepping closer again to refasten it "-now put on a vest. ...Wait!" He unfastened the fourth button again. "Ok. Now go put on a vest."

"Wick, darling, saving undressing me for after the party," Dorian chastised, but his grin was a dead giveaway that he didn't mind at all. Reluctant, he turned his attention back into the dressing room to inspect the vests. He looked between the dark red-wine color and the soft blue/gray. He looked at his dark trousers and white shirt, shrugged, and picked up the blue one, easily slipping over his shoulders. He left it unbuttoned this time, playing the odds with how Cash might like this item of clothing, and stepped out again, this time leaning his shoulder against the door frame and motioning to his body with a hand. "Thoughts?"

"If you insist~" Cash replied as Dorian looked over the vests. When the curly-haired man leaned in the doorway--this time with a vest--Cash immediately took to buttoning up the vest, smoothing his hand down Dorian's side with a thoughtful hum before finally reaching up and refastening the fourth button of Dorian's shirt one more time. "Turn around."

It hadn't occurred to him, but as Dorian obliged he realized if it came to it he wouldn't mind being the bottom for this bossy little ginger. While Cash inspected the back he plucked idly at the buttons of the vest but didn't dare unfasten any. At least, not until later. "Please tell me you're staring at my ass," he posed over his shoulder, grinning to himself as he also didn't dare turn around until Cash was finished. It kind of intrigued him, the idea of letting Cash order him around. He was a man that had to take charge of situations a lot of the time, after all. As much as Dorian liked entertaining the idea of taking that control away from him, he supposed he didn't mind giving it up either. At least, not sometimes.

Taking a few steps back to take in the entire shape of Dorian's torso in that vest, Cash finally smirked in approval to see that the tailored cut ended at the small of Dorian's back in the rear and the belt...tie...thing...(whatever it was called, he liked it~) accentuated the V of Dorian's figure from his shoulders to his waist. "Of course I am~ Now put on the dark shirt, but with this vest."

Dorian looked back over his shoulder with half lidded eyes and a sultry smirk. "Yes, master," he teased and stepped into the changing room, closing the curtain behind him. He'd be quite happy to give Cash a full show but the staff? Maybe not so much. It only took a minute to switch to the dark shirt, which he left buttoned as the white had been, and fasten the light blue vest back on top. It seemed like an awful lot of dark to him, but if Cash was happy, that was all that mattered. He didn't care what he wore, he'd be staring at his companion the whole evening anyway. He pushed back the curtain a third time and poked his head out, grinned at Cash, then stepped out, giving a slow turn. "How about now?"

Cash was grinning back at Dorian full-force until about half-way through the turn. When the curly-haired man was facing him again, he stepped forward, unbuttoned that fourth button, took a step back, stepped forward again to rebutton it, stepped back one more time and glared at the shirt before giving a world-weary sigh. ", not this. The vest is perfect, but not with this shirt," he scratched his arm with a thoughtful hum.

"Well, I could wear just the vest," Dorian suggested, turning as if trying to see the back side himself, then looked at Cash as if to say 'what do you want to do?'. "They'd probably require the pants too though... maybe a tie?" He pointed to his neck, realized what he was doing and took a step to put him much closer to his friend, his smirk back in place. "A collar?"

"Again you tempt me so~ No human should ever be so persuasive..." Cash barely eked out an almost shy-looking smirk through his blush, "but, please. Not in front of Nathan. Not so long as he has a camera phone and my sister's email, at least."

Even as he tried to deter him, his actions only made Dorian's grin become that much more intense which paired nicely with his voice as he leaned down to whisper in Cash's ear, "When we're alone then." The words lilted on a promise and he turned his head ever so slightly so his lips brushed against the bright pink shell before him. "And trust me... I can be infinitely more persuasive, but I like you with free will." He chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to Cash's cheek before righting himself again, giving the other man room to breathe. "So, thoughts?" he encouraged with a gesture to the shirt again. "Am I going British librarian or cage dancer?"

Cash's face burned a vivid red as he gave Dorian a playful glare: "You're going as the British librarian visiting scholars have wet dreams about, now go put on the white shirt, again."

Dorian's laugh was short but sincere. Yes, he liked bossy Cash very much. He placed a hand over his heart and gave a little bow at the waist. "Yes, Master Cash," he teased but turned and disappeared into the changing room again. He reemerged in the original outfit, three buttons undone on the shirt, the vest fastened properly. He held his arms out, palms up. "I look like the British librarian that's been snogging in the reference section," he commented mildly, peeking down at this chest that was currently peeking back at him.

Cash took the short time that Dorian required to change shirts to take one, two, three deep breaths and (not quite successfully) calm the heat in his cheeks. When his friend returned, the redhead took a few steps back to look him over from head to toe. "Yes, yes and with the dark jeans..." he muttered under his breath before grinning widely. "How does it feel?"

The brunette stuck out his lower lip, rolled his eyes skyward, and tipped his head side to side a little as he pretended to think. "Dishonest," he said finally and turned his frown on Cash. "I look like I've been having a make out session, and yet I haven't. I feel like a liar..." He took a step toward the red-head, one hand reaching out to take that of his friend. "Won't you make an honest man out of me, Wick?"

Taking Dorian's hand with a reignited blush, Cash gave a thoughtful hum as he gazed from his friends eyes to his lips, down his neck, to the v-cut of the vest, hesitated, and then looked back up to his face: "Don't exaggerate, Kay. That's shirt's still intact," he purred despite the cherry hue of his face, "now go change back so we can find something for me to wear."

Well, it was certainly nice to know what he had to look forward to if he ever did get to make out with Cash. Grinning at the idea, he gave Cash's hand a little squeeze and returned to the changing room a final time, this time returning in his original shorts and tee with the clothes they chose in one arm, the rejected pieces in the other. Dorian looked around and found the appropriate racks they originated from before returning to Cash. "Did you have an idea of what you'd like to wear?"

"Well, since I chose your clothes, it's only fair for you to choose mine..." Cash admitted with a smirk before quickly adding in a half-panicked tone, "but don't forget! Nathan's going to be there! With a camera phone! All these years and he's still got my mom on speed-dial, the little snitch..."

"So no speedos and bowties?" Dorian sought clarification, but didn't wait for an answer. "I don't know if my taste is well suited for this weather," he admitted but picked through some racks anyway. He picked a pair of fitted tan trousers, examined them, kept them, and picked up a blue button down a few shades darker than his vest. He looked at it just as critically. "I'm just going to want to take it off you anyway-" He handed both pieces to Cash. "You'll be hot."

"Hmm... Well, if we're looking for a new outfit for me to wear for tonight, there are only a few stores that can supply." Emily shrugged. She looked out of her window at the passing town and smiled pleasantly. It was a lovely afternoon. She hoped the nice weather kept up during the party. Maybe she could adventure a strapless gown.

"Let's try here," Sabastion suggested and pulled into an available space behind a dodge hellcat. He looked calculatingly up at the consignment shop, then back at Emily. "It might not be new, but there's a better chance of it being unique," he explained and only once she had nodded did he turn off the engine and exit the car (after checking for any traffic of course) and locked it once Emily joined him to walk inside. "A beautiful woman like yourself will look beautiful no matter what she wears though."

Emily almost giggled at his compliment. "Thank you, but I'm not picky. I know there can be treasures to be found in places like this." she said. She absently reached for his hand to hold as they walked inside. She wondered if he would let her. He didn't seem like the hand holding type, but he also was the kind to do what made her happy, she believed. At least, for a time. She laced her fingers with his as they headed for the door, and glanced askew at him to check his reaction.

True to form, Sabastion did very little to acknowledge the hand holding besides curl his fingers to hold hers in return. He knew when he agreed to try things with her public affection would come eventually- probably sooner rather than later with Emily's enthusiasm- and so he resigned himself to her whims for the time being. He reached for the door first with his free hand and pulled it open, allowing Emily to step in first before he followed behind, guided by her grasping hand. "Take your time and try things on, I wouldn't want you to choose something because it looked nice but was uncomfortable when actually put on."

Emily, perked by his willingness to hold her hand, smiled at him over her shoulder prettily. "Hopefully I find a gown that's a perfect balance of both." she giggled. She led him to the front desk and politely asked where their selection of dresses was. The young girl behind the register pointed her in the right direction, and by way of habit also pointed out where the changing rooms were. Emily thanked her with a smile, and pulled Sebastian towards the racks of dresses, where all manner of style and print was found. "I want your honest opinion, though, on everything. I want to find something that you like, too. I'm not just wearing it for me tonight." she said. She didn't release his hand until they approached the racks and she needed both hands to begin foraging. She was assaulted, first and foremost, by a modest church dress with an obnoxiously bright floral print. She wrinkled her nose and pushed it aside. Following it were a mix of gowns, from skimpier cocktail dresses to more formal ballgowns and prom dresses. She sighed a little as she searched, her bottom lip absently pulling between her teeth in a concentrated expression. She wasn't even sure what color would look best on her.

"I think this was my grandmother's," Sabastion muttered absently where he was examining a simple gray frock among the church dresses while Emily conducted her own search. He carefully settled it back into place and looked around the shop, spying two other men in what appeared to be the section opposite where they were looking. Curly hair and red hair. Strange. He knew them both but he wasn't sure he'd ever seen them together. Dorian glanced their way and seemed to notice who they were as he offered an openly friendly wave, to which Sabastion reply with a much smaller and stoic one of his own.

"No, I'd like to keep my ears intact, thank you," Cash huffed even as his face slowly turned red again, "and I'm sure you'll find something suitable~" The redhead examined the articles he was handed with a calculating gaze before looking back to Dorian...and seeing him wave across the store. Cash turned with a slightly disgruntled expression to see who had caught his friend's attention: "...Oh, it's Emily."

Emily had piled a few different types of dresses in her arms--one a dark red, another a mix of blue and black lace, and a third that was impossibly all straps--and was in the middle of thinking aloud that she wasn't sure what the dress code was for this yacht party when she looked up and caught Sebastian in the midst of a wave. She followed his line of sight just as she heard her name, and broke into a wide smile. "Cash!" she yelped. She crossed the store to the pair and waved at them both. "Nice to see you!" She looked at the piles of clothes in their arms and nodded. "Shopping for a special occasion?"

"Risk's party tonight," Dorian chirped the answer with a bright smile, then pointed at the clothes in her arms. "I think half of Athen's Harbor is going, so I don't think I need to ask what you're getting ready for?"

"We were invited by Nathan, and it seemed a good way to celebrate Emily's good news," Sabastion replied as he joined them, having followed Emily at a more leisurely pace. Still, his lips were upturned at the corners, preventing his face from looking too stoic. "Boat parties, the Harbor Festival, even barn dances... For a small town Athen's Harbor isn't want for entertainment."

"Good news?" Cash parroted with a raised eyebrow before nodding with apparent understanding. "Oh, I see. Congratulations!" He held out a hand for Sabastion to shake. "I have to admit I'm surprised...I always thought that Emily was too much of a workaholic for much of a social life! When's the big day? Or don't you know, yet?"

"Next spring," Sabastion replied easily, taking Cash's hand to give it a firm, but brief shake, accepting the other man's support, before letting go again. He deliberately left the answer as vague as the other man's question had been. "We considered a party of our own, smaller of course, to make a formal announcement."

Wait, what just happened? Emily's face turned a stunned pink as she looked between Sebastian and Cash. Did she miss something? Her heart went fluttery and she stuttered a little beside him, not sure what to say. Was he messing with her? Was she in on it? Was she supposed to be in on it? He certainly wasn't talking about her recent promotion. She just stood there, stammering and blushing, and even looked at Sebastian with an expression that could only be translated into, "Are you crazy?"

"Oh, of course. Close friends and family..." Cash grinned at Sabastion before turning to Emily with a mock-pout. "No wonder you were in such a hurry to move out! Really, Emily, you could've at least let me know so I'd have something to tell Nathan! I'm pretty sure he thinks I drove you off..."

"Cash, I don't ac-" Dorian stopped at the almost imperceptible shake of the head Sabastion had given him. Why would he do that? Was he not actually joking? No, Emily looked like she couldn't breath, not excited, so way was she looking forward to a wedding or a baby, and Sabastion, what little he knew of him, wouldn't so brashly dole that information out. Also, he was still staring, waiting for Dorian to get.. something. He considered what it would be like to cause that reaction by saying he was engaged to Cash, and a grin slid onto his face. Oh. Oh. "Well, congratulations!" he said instead and pulled Emily into a tight, but brief, hug, then shook Sabastion's hand as well with more enthusiasm than Cash had. "You make a lovely couple, really, you do. Your offspring will no doubt be smart and beautiful-" He leaned a bit to not so secretly add to just Sabastion. "Good job." Sabastion nodded as if to say 'I know, right?' but didn't say anything, instead looking back at Emily to see if she was breathing yet.

Emily was staring at all three men. Cash liked to toy with her, he always had when they'd lived together, but what were Sebastian and Dorian getting out of this? Her cheeks were a stark red, up to her ears, and her heart was thudding in her mouth. She swallowed hard and frowned at the three men, then said, "I don't know what you three are talking about, but I would appreciate it if you'd stop." She said more pointedly to Sebastian, "I'm going to try these on now." As she headed to one of the changing rooms, she paused and said over her shoulder, "Oh, did I mention that Cash was my previous roommate..?" With that, she went behind the curtain and jerked it closed.

"And prone to sunburning..." Cash chimed in addition to Dorian's comments about Sabastion and Emily's hypothetical children, "I mean, looking at you two together is quite the lovely picture, but frightfully pale...You should really get a head-start on looking for SPF lotions and baby hats." Being entirely genuine--although misguided--in his assumptions and congratulations, the redhead was quite stunned by Emily's sudden outburst. ...Well, at least that conclusively answers the question of if they're engaged or pregnant...

"You're one to talk! You still need those baby sunblocks that are like SPF 150," Dorian poked back with a physical finger-jab to Cash's ribs. He looked back at Sabastion and followed where the doctor was looking at the changing room she'd disappeared into with a frown. "Did we go too far?"

"I do not think so," Sabastion replied. He didn't think it was so much 'too far' as it was 'sensitive subject matter'. If only she knew what he was actually thinking. "You two seem close," he redirected the topic. "Are you dating?"

Cash pouted playfully at Dorian's literal jab: "SPF 120, thank you. And that's my point exactly! I'm just trying to advise them on a delicate matter that's close to my heart! Skin care starts early." He nodded sagely before answering Sabastion: "Not yet."

"He's really making me work for it," Dorian half laughed and ran a hand through his messy curls, cleverly hiding the thrilled heartbeats dancing around his chest. So there really was a chance! He grinned lazily at the ginger haired man, head tilted back slightly. "He's absolutely worth it though..."

Sabastion observed the exchanged silently, giving them a little nod at the end as if he understood. He didn't, since it didn't seem like a joke and he had no interest in dating men himself, but it wasn't his business so he didn't pry further. Instead, he looked toward Emily's dressing room again. "Her eye healed well," he directed to Cash. "From her moving out."

Previous room mates... eye healed?... from moving out?... Dorian's smile faltered slightly as he looked between the two men with him, finally stopping on Cash. "What happened when she moved out?"

"I'd like to think so~" Cash smirked even as his face turned red all over again. Although the blush was short-lived this time as he blinked towards Sabastion in confusion and mild concern: "I don't recall anything wrong with her eye...?" He was on the other side of the door when it shut, after all.

"The day Emily moved, her belongings had been left on the curb before she even had a chance to come home and pack them, that is where she found them, and when I came to pick her up she had a blackened eye and some other bruising." Only Sabastion's eyes shifted to look at Cash and while his tone hadn't changed, his eyes had. Was he even blinking? It was like two flecks of steel. "I am of the understanding you were somehow the cause."

"He's not," Dorian interjected. He didn't know what had happened but Cash would never deliberately attack someone, let alone a young woman. "It's some sort of misunderstanding." He would not call Emily a liar. Sabastion hadn't outright said she said it was Cash and he didn't know her all that well, so he wasn't going to believe she said it and he sure as hell wasn't going to believe his friend did it. "She probably just.. fell down or something. Did your landlord ever fix the rug on the stairs? Maybe that was the cause and she blames you for not getting it fixed? Or something?"

Cash blinked slowly at the doctor with an uncomprehending expression. After a moment or two, he took his phone from his pocket and turned it on to check notifications. "Eight voicemails...yeah, that's too much for a freezer raid..." Nathan probably tried to yell at me all night... "I guess I better go apologize for whatever I did?" He looked up from his phone to make eye contact with Sabastion: "What did I do, exactly?"

"An apology is probably pointless if you aren't apologetic," Sabastion replied, but diverted his attention back to the dressing room. Cash didn't seem like the malicious type at least.

"It doesn't matter," Dorian waved it off before nudging Cash toward the only other dressing room again. "I'm going to find a blazer. Try on the pants and shirt please~"

Cash frowned a little at Sabastion's response. He wanted at least to be able to tell Nathan that he apologized in case the bespectacled man tried to pick a fight at the party tonight... With a weary sigh he started towards the dressing room at Dorian's request: "Oh, all right...I leave my public image in capable hands~"

Emily could hear their quiet voices from inside the curtained changing room. She had changed rather quickly, but had remained in the dressing room anyway as she heard them speaking, to avoid facing them again. She felt like a coward. She took a deep breath, adjusted the dress she had decided to try on first and debated whether or not she should go out there at all. Maybe she should leave it a surprise for Sebastian what she wore? She blushed. This dress ended at her knees, which to her showed a considerable amount of leg. She wasn't used to showing so much leg in anything she wore. Well, except for the white dress I had worn for Sebastian that day he'd painted me... And the back was all thin straps, crisscrossed over one another and over her shoulders, leaving several large portions of her back open to the air. She'd had to remove her bra for the dress and aside from the uncomfortable amount of cleavage in the plunging neckline, it just felt strange feeling the store's cold air at her back. Her cheeks were still pink when she took a steadying breath and stepped out of the changing room in the deep blue dress, and looked to Sebastian with a small, shy clearing of her throat. Her hands tugged at the hem of the skirt in a nervous fidget. It hugged her hips, thighs, and rear flatteringly. "I think this might be too.... bold for this occasion." she mumbled. It seemed that their interaction with Cash and Dorian moments ago had deflated her happy mood somewhat. She was back to feeling vulnerable and meek, and even barefooted seemed ready to trip and topple over something.

Sabastion looked her over, taking in the way the strings laid over her pale skin and fabric clung to her like a second skin with an increasing frown. "Agreed," he said at last. "Try something else?"

Capable hands. That was a bold statement, Dorian thought using the word he overheard from Emily. He watched the two interact with a shrewd expression. If he and Cash were the bench mark for what a couple looked like- despite not being one yet- Emily and Sabastion didn't look much like one at all. He was leaning against the doorframe next to Cash's curtain and tipped his head to rest against the entrance, even as he continued to covertly observe the other two guests of the shop. He lifted a hand and brushed it against the curtain as if pulling it aside but didn't actually grasp it, so it remained modestly in place, calling to Cash suggestively, "Need any help?"

Emily gave Sebastian a nod of her own and quickly turned back into the changing room to swap out her dress. "Do we know what the weather is going to be like?" she asked as she drew the curtain closed. Maybe it would help her decide. She didn't want to be too chilled in a backless dress, or two hot in one like the black and blue lace with the longer sleeves. She debated mentally which one to try next and while she did favor herself in blue, she was curious about the red dress. She began to pull it on, and opted to leave her bra off for now. She was glad for it. This red dress had an off-the-shoulder look, and while she was thankful for the modest neckline and lack of a bare back, the slit up the skirt was high and ended at the top of her thigh. The dress was tight, and fit her in all the right places, but she wasn't sure the darker red went well with her pale skin and dark hair. She stepped out of the changing room a second time and held out her arms in a "well?" motion.

"I thought you were looking for a blazer?" Cash's voice called from behind the curtain, before stepping out of the dressing room in the button-down and trousers Dorian selected with playfully reprimanding look: "And that room's a bit of a tight fit for two, don't you think?"

"Not if we stand real close," Dorian murmured as his arm looped around Cash's waist and pulled him close. "Like this..." he smiled, his eyes tracing Cash's features, but they did wander lower after a moment and Dorian's hold relaxed so he could step back and see the whole thing. He hummed and made a 'turn around' motion with his hand. "I like the blue... it brings out your eyes..."

Sabastion spared a glance at Cash's exit before turning his attention back to Emily as she exited her own dressing room. His head leaned a little to the side as he considered it, then held his hand out, making a so-so motion. "I think you look nice, but it doesn't... suit you? I think maybe it's trying too hard to be flattering."

"I agree... The color doesn't really feel like me either." Emily supplied with a shrug of her dainty shoulders and smiled faintly. "Alright then... I'll try on this last one. If it doesn't work, we'll keep looking." She turned and headed back into the changing room without even a cursory glance at Cash and Dorian. They certainly seemed close, but they were in their own little world and she was in hers with Sebastian. She drew the curtain closed and looked at the dark blue and black lace of the last dress with a huff. "Alright, you." she said. She stripped out of the red dress, letting it pool to the floor around her feet (visible under the bottom of the changing room's curtain), and began to dress in the smaller, bluer dress.

"Well that's not even room to help with a zipper!" Cash smirked even as he laid his own hand over Dorian's. He turned around at Dorian's gesture, but looked over his shoulder as though to read the thoughts on Dorian's face. "Same goes for that vest with your own eyes~ Does that make this shirt a winner?"

"Hm?" Dorian pretended to come out of his revere where he had unabashedly had his eyes fixated below the small of Cash's back. He grinned, nodding. "I think so. Are you fine with the lighter pants or would you prefer something darker? I like the idea of cuffing them with nice sneakers..."

The motion of red pooling on the floor drew Sabastion's attention, but, realizing what it was, he immediately followed the reaction by raising his eyes toward the ceiling as if he could somehow see through the curtain just by seeing her feet. "I liked the color," he commented to her through the barrier, giving Dorian a chastising glare when he noticed the other man chuckle at his discomfort. Dorian, to his credit, looked appropriately apologetic and held up his hands, palms out. The doctor relaxed and Dorian took it as an acceptance of his apology and returned his attention to Cash while Sabastion continued with Emily. Red made her stand out. It was a color of passion, of fire, of- He felt heat on the back of his neck when he realized why he liked it. It was the color of them, not of her. Emily was calm, she was sweet, she was fun but not intense, not on her own. Yes, he supposed, red didn't suit her, not alone.

"Me, too, just not on me." Emily chuckled back to him. She grunted as she squeezed her arms through the snug sleeves of this last dress and zipped up the side zipper. She took a moment to adjust the neck and look at herself in the mirror and she found herself pleasantly surprised. In the pile and on the hanger, it had just looked like a mess of lace and sparkles. But on her.. It fit her well. The waist cinched perfectly and flowed out in a ruffled skirt. The neckline was high, to her collar in modesty, and down her arms in elegant sleeves, but her bust was finely accentuated and the bare back of the dress promised air to breathe. So if it was destined to be warmer that evening, she wouldn't be stifled. Additionally, the skirt ended much higher, ensuring a constant show of thigh that was both tasteful and sensual. She wouldn't have to bother herself with jewelry in this dress, outside of a nice pair of silver earrings, and with a nice pair of black heels... She smiled. For effect, she pulled the braid out of her hair so it fell messily around her head. She combed it with her fingers just enough to control the frizzies, and then pulled it all over her shoulder so that her back was completely open to view. Her smile widened. "I think this is the one!" she called to Sebastian. She pulled the curtain back and stepped out for him, looking at him from under her lashes with a sensuous closed-lipped upturn of her pink lips. She brushed down the skirt a little and then lifted a finger. "Best part," she announced and then turned slowly so he could see the plunging V of the back of the dress--where it started at the high neckline on her shoulders, bared her blades and spine, and ended in a crescent scoop at the small of her pale back. 

Cash smirked at catching Dorian's gaze before raising an eyebrow in question: "I thought the deal was 'you choose my clothes, I choose yours'? So long as it's nice enough to keep your eyes on me, I won't complain~"

Dorian's smile couldn't get any wider as he suddenly stepped forward, wrapped his arms around Cash's waist, and lifted him off the ground in a twirl. When he settled him down, Cash's back was left against the doorframe of the changing room and Dorian's face was very close. "My eyes will never stray," he promised. His eyes darted down and he halted himself from doing what he only just barely realized he was about to: kiss Cash. He smiled again, attempting recovery as he pecked him on the cheek instead before taking half a step away. "...Except for this," he apologized and looked away only long enough to examine the small rack of blazers nearby. He selected a navy one and held it out for Cash, open so he could slip into it. "Let's try this one."

Despite the rowdiness next to them, Sabastion couldn't look away. Emily looked... well.. she looked.. adorable. "You're like a night sky," he almost breathed, but she was talking and he tuned in just in time for her to turn around and his mouth ran a little dry, an all too personal memory coming to the fore when she had bared that back to him. "You..." He stopped. He couldn't think of the words. He took a breath, raising his eyes above her shoulders and offered her a small smile. "Красивый." That was a word he had actually taught her and he waited a moment to see if she would remember.

It took a second, but she did remember. Her cheeks warmed and her smile broadened as she faced him again. "Thank you," she whispered and stepped towards him. Her hands ruffled the skirt on the sides, and she looked down at her bared legs a big self consciously. "You don't think the skirt is too short, right..?" she asked, glancing up at him. "I'll have to be careful to wear the right underwear..." Something mischievous flashed across her blue eyes. Her hand brushed up against his chest as she drew nearer. "Do you think it's the one?"

Cash gave a decidedly unmanly squeak when he found himself airborne. By the time his feet hit the ground again, his face was deep red and his eyes were about a wide as they could get. He found himself absolutely breathless when Dorian leaned in...and a little disappointed when the kiss landed on his cheek. The redhead took a deep breath and gave a shaky nod before stepping closer to Dorian and turning around to put on the blazer.

The blazer slid up his arms with no small amount of touching from Dorian's hands guiding it and settled on his shoulders under the weight of that same touch. Through the open doorway of the dressing room, their reflections stared back at them and Dorian let his arms slide around the redhead until they encircled his shoulders, his grin from over Cash's shoulder smiling back at them. "Handsome as ever," he whispered.

I would rather see you in white- "It makes you this happy, I think it must be," Sabastion agreed, resting his hand over hers on his chest. His grin became a little more like a smirk and he lowered his voice so the others would not overhear him, "I will keep my eye on you, just in case it does, in fact, turn out to be too short."

A playful giggle rolled out of Emily and she licked her lips. "Well, how about this: you go find me something nice to wear under this dress while I change back into my clothes... I'll even try those on for you, too, if you'd like." she grinned. "Or would you rather I surprised you with that after the party?"

Despite the nervous tension in his back when the blazer was placed, it did not take long for Cash to fully relax and lean back into Dorian's embrace with a matching grin of his own. "Hmm...might have something to do with gorgeous face hovering over my shoulder~ We might have to apologize to Risk for stealing all the attention at his own party."

"Never," Dorian replied, his face carefully schooled into the most serious expression he could muster. He gave his friend one last squeeze before letting go. He picked up a brown belt and offered it to him. "No need to try it on. Just add it to all of this-" He motioned to the outfit with his free hand. "And we'll head home to... relax... before the party." He glanced at Emily, grinned, and leaned in to whisper quietly in Cash's ear, "And some say I'm bad, at least I'll wait until we get home to discuss what we will, and won't, be wearing underneath."

"I would prefer to be surprised," Sabastion replied and raised her arm to spin her around in a kind of dance twirl, ending with her facing the dressing room that he gently guided her toward. "Go on. I'll need to change at home."

Emily let out another giggle as she was spun and nudged towards the dressing room and she blew a kiss at him over her shoulder before vanishing behind the curtain again. She quickly changed back into her jeans and t-shirt, put the dresses back on their hangers, deposited the ones she wasn't buying back on the rack and ventured into the shoe and lingerie sections. She made quick work of finding something she liked, and hid the lingerie under the blue dress over her arm for Sebastian's sake. She checked out quickly, not giving Sebastian an opening to purchase her things for her, and with the strappy heels boxed and everything else bagged out of sight, she hopped to Sebastian's side and announced, "I'm ready! Let's go."

Cash took the belt and looked it over with an approving hum. "Just let me undress real quick and we'll go ahead and pay," he smirked over his shoulder at the other couple as he whispered to Dorian, "and you are that bad, Fido."

Dorian gave a playful growl in response that quickly dissolved into a chuckle as he finally let Cash depart, whining when the curtain separated them. He watched the other two depart, giving a wave to Sabastion that he was glad to see returned. He really hoped that woman was not going to run that poor, stoic man into the ground. She was cute, but a little... bossy? Pushy? Needy? He glanced at the curtain. Ah, well, maybe having someone like that wasn't so bad. God speed to the good doctor then.

Sabastion was frustrated, in more ways than one, but predominantly that he had offered to get her an outfit and she'd went and by passed all of that anyway. She was incredibly headstrong and it seemed rather bipolar if that was good or bad at times. He shook his head and followed her out, opening the car door for her before returning to his own but did not start the car. "Are you upset?" he asked, giving her that same stoic look he had given her thousands of times at the hospital, the one that said she had his focus but he was also thinking about something, trying to figure out a puzzle or a question. "About the joke." Half joke? Partial joke? Truth in joking manner?

"Upset?" Emily echoed, even after he'd clarified what about. She looked down at the bags at her feet and her hands twiddled with her seat belt strap. "Confused, mostly," she mumbled. She looked at him, her smile gone again. "What were you talking about? What were you making them congratulate you for? They were under the impression we were engaged or... or expecting or something..." She shrugged and looked out of the window. "It clearly had little to do with me."

Cash gave a big belly-laugh that echoed through the store as he stepped back into the dressing room. When he stepped back out with the chosen clothes slung over his arm, he was still snickering with a breathless shade of pink on his face.

"What a lovely shade~" Dorian complimented, brushing his fingertips across Cash's cheek. "Your place or mine?" he asked as they paid for each of their outfits and headed outside to climb back into Cash's car. "We should probably think of a safe word..."

"Mine's closer," Cash smiled as they walked back to the car. He waited until they were both seated before saying: "Hatchet."

"Ooo, that's a good one," the brunette agreed, leaning over to give Cash another kiss on the cheek and hovered just in front of his lips when he turned in response. "Remember it... if you want me to stop, ok?" he said quietly, lifting heavily lidded eyes to meet Cash's pale ones. It almost reminded him of snow at night, with the faintest blue hue. He smiled, and settled back in his seat, ready to go to boto Cash's Apartment. "You promised me I could undress you."

"On the contrary," Sabastion corrected as he finally started the car and pulled away as Dorian and Cash were exiting the shop. "Were I engaged or expecting with a woman, they would not be incorrect in assuming it was with you-" He paused, humming thoughtfully. "At least, I would hope it wouldn't be incorrect. As to why I did it though..." He glanced at her, his lips quirking up. "I like to see you flustered."

Emily's head swiveled back around to look at him, a bit surprised by that conjunction of admissions. She blinked at him, and her cheeks darkened again, a shy smile on her lips as she looked back down at her lap. "Well, you certainly succeeded there," she mumbled playfully. "I'm sorry about the way I reacted... I guess I was just a bit upset that you led them into that kind of... joke" she said, using his own word, "at my expense, rather than correcting them and telling them the real good news--the real reason we feel so celebratory tonight." she shrugged. She looked at him. "You know I worked hard to get here... I kind of want to brag about my success. When you fed into their--" She paused and considered the word. After all, he'd said it wouldn't have been incorrect, per se. "--inaccurate suspicions, I guess I felt a bit... slighted."

"And for that, I am sorry," he apologized sincerely. "But Cash Wicker is, forgive me, a bit of a gossip and he might very well have told everyone before you even get the chance. You want to brag, you have a right to, but I think it will be more fun if it is a party with many others than with two in a small shop. And I am sorry for making such a joke, I didn't want to upset you, but, again, I hope that some day it will not be a joke. I am sorry nonetheless. I will not make such... implications ever again."

Emily looked at him out of the corner of her eyes and admired him. She twisted in her seat and leaned over the center console of the car, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I accept your apology." she whispered, keeping her lips close to his skin as she spoke. She laced her fingers with his on the center dash and kissed him again. "But for the record, I too hope someday those implications will not be only that." She smiled at him and admired his face as he focused ahead on driving. "I hope that very much."

"Some day may be today and 'expecting' may come before 'engaged' if you do not calm down," Sabastion chastised, but it lacked a bite as he turned off the main road to the more residential neighborhood where boto sabastion's house resided. "Sometimes waiting makes it better, don't you agree? I wouldn't want you to tire of me so early in our relationship."

"So, what time is this party?" Adela asked after a short silence. She took her eyes from the road for a brief moment to glance over at Jace as she drove toward his dojo and home.

"I believe people are supposed to arrive before 6, that's when he wanted to "set sail"." Jace turned to looked at Adela, surprised that she was even considering his invitation.

Adela nodded, "You want me to drop you off to get ready and I'll pick you back up once I'm ready?" She asked him. She needed something to get her mind off Archer, especially since there was nothing she could do but wait.

"That sounds good." Once Adela pulled up at his place he leaned over and kissed her temple. "I look forward to seeing you later. Thank you for the ride." Jace gave her a soft smile before climbing out of the car and heading upstairs.

"You are amazing... Thank you Madison, I felt like such a fool when he showed up." Jade sighed softly, giving Vadean a soft smile as him and Luke left the room. "Don't rush to get your things. I'll give him free reign of the house while we're at the party since he doesn't want to go. But anyway, I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Thanks again." She waited for Madison to say goodbye before ending the call.

Madison pocketed her phone then turned to Aiden."My brothers been released from hospital and is on his way home.."She said almost apologetically."We'll be needing enough food to feed three now.. I wonder if there's anything I should get for him?" She huffed lightly and ran her fingers through her hair. "I wish he'd called.."

Aiden could see how stressed Madison appeared and gently placed his hands on her shoulder. "Maybe he didn't want to buy you because he knew you were showing me around?"

"Very good, Aiden." Jace gave the man a friendly smile before crossing the apartment to his sister, slowly. His pain pills were wearing off and it was becoming slowly obvious. "I'm sorry I didn't call. You were busy and I hate being a burden."

"You aren't a burden." Madison scolded him as she closed the gap between them so he wouldn't have to move as much. "Do you need anything? I was just about to make us some lunch, would you like some?" She asked as she offered him an arm to help him to a seat.

Jace wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he saw Aiden pull a stool out for him. "Thank you," he said to them both, "real food would be great. I would also like your help picking out clothes for the night. I'm taking Adela to the party to get her mind off of Archer." He groaned as he slipped onto the stool. "My pain pills should be delivered soon." He had read on his discharge papers that they had been ordered and sent to the near by pharmacy and staged for delivery. 

"You're going to the party?" Madison replied in a shocked tone as she guided Jace onto the stool. "Well so am I actually.." She added with a look of embarrassment. "Aiden's going to go with me."

Jace tensed for only a moment as Madison explained who she was going with. He took a deep breath to relax and gave them both a simple smile. "Well great, we should all have fun then. And believe me, I'm not going for Risk, I'm going for Adela. I know she doesn't get out often and needs an escape so this will be good, hopefully for all of us."

"Hopefully. Just make sure I don't do anything to embarrass myself in front of Risk OK.." Madison chuckled. "This is my chance to show him that he meant nothing.. Right Aiden?" She smiled over at him then turned back towards the kitchen. "OK I'll make us some lunch. You two be nice to each other OK?" She joked then wandered off.

Jace sat at the island and watched his sister work for a moment before speaking up. "Maddy, you don't need to focus on Risk. It's his loss, plus you've got this great new friend and your dance studio idea. You'll have plenty going on and moving forward so just forget about him." It was easy advice to give but of course he could never follow his own advice. Whether it be his ex-wife or Adela, he had a hard time letting go.

"I'm not focusing on Risk.." Madison tried to reassure Jace as she paused in cutting up vegetables for a salad. "I guess I just want to show him that I can move on just as quickly as he did..that he meant nothing. Which he did. I'm happy. I got a great new friend.." She said smiling at Aiden. "You came at the perfect time.."

Aiden gave her a beaming smile with a shrug of his shoulders. "I aim to please, mi'lady." He came over to her side and gently took the knife out of her hands and nudged her with his hip. "Let me, this is definitely something I can do." As he proceeded to continue chopping.

Jace watched the two of them with a faint smile and nodded his head. Aiden seemed to put Madison at ease, which was nice. She was comfortable around him and seemed happy with her new... friend. He'd seen how long Aiden stayed in the friend zone, the two seemed to mesh well together. "Well I'm glad, now we just need to convince Adela I'm the man for her." Jace cleared his throat, surprised by his own words. He knew he hadn't shown and interest in a woman since his divorce. He waited for the bombardment of questions he was sure to receive.

"Just charm her, make her see what a great guy you are. And maybe.." Madison paused to look at Jace with a playful smile. "You could tell her how you feel? Girls like honesty." She watched him a moment more then turned back to making their lunch, standing next to Aiden as he prepared the salad. Once she was finished she set it all out then motioned for the two men to dig in.

"I thought I had the other night... told her that is. But I had been extremely..." Jace looked up at Madison and frowned deeply. "Drunk." He didn't think his sister knew about his drinking problem and he wanted to keep her in the dark as much as possible. He cleared his throat as he got his plate together and sat back giving Aiden free reign over the food. "But I'll try again I guess."

Aiden nodded his head gently. "As long as you don't push her too hard I think you'll be fine. The officer doesn't seem to be the kind to want to be pushed." He saw Jace's knowing smile and knew he'd hit it right on the head. "Just relax about it all and she should too."

"Aidens right Jace, just take your time. There's no need to rush into anything." Madison added as she slid into the seat next to Aiden and began to plate up some food. "As for being drunk.. I assume that won't be happening again. Not with me living here.." She commented with a raised eyebrow as she glanced at Jace. She was would throw every drop of alcohol in the apartment away if she had to. She wasn't about to sit back and watch her brother create problems for himself."Now eat up then we should think about getting ready for the party.. I'll need to figure out what to wear. Do you have a favorite color Aiden?" She asked playfully as she looked at him.

Jace stared into his food for a moment before taking another bite. He ignored her comment about getting drunk while she lived with him. It wasn't as if it was something he liked doing or even did at home. But again, she didn't need to know that.

Aiden took a bite of his salad, chewing it for a few moments. A smile spread across his face gently at her question. "Sort of... Gold but not that harsh gold, more like the sun. If that makes sense." He shrugged his shoulders gently as he took another bite, enjoying his first meal with friends.

"Gold huh? I'll see what I can do.." Madison smiled playfully at Aiden then turned her attention back to her lunch. Once she was finished she stood up and began to gather their dishes. "Aiden do you want to wait here while I run to the store to grab a dress or will you go home to get ready?" She asked, glancing at him.

Aiden glanced at Jace unsure whether the other guy would want him around but all he got was a careless shrug as Jace continued eating. "I think I'll go home to get ready. Don't want to show up looking like a delinquent." Which he really didn't look like one but he liked to tease her. "I can come back in an hour or so to pick you up?" He gave her a quirked smile as he thought about her riding his bike. "We can either walk or ride down on my bike, it's up to you."

"Definitely the bike!" Madison replied excitedly. "I would say that was arriving in style.!" She chuckled then moved to grab her bag. "Jace will you be OK on your own for 30 minutes tops? I just need to go grab a dress.." She asked her brother, looking over at him as she did.

Jace stared at her for a minute before shaking his head and smiling. "Maddy, I've been injured and on my own long before you moved back. I think I can handle it. Go get something nice." Aiden moved around, clearing their empty plates in silence, glad she was a woman who like the idea of a bike.

He turned when everything was cleaned up and smiled at the siblings. "Well I better go pick up my bike where I left it and get home to change." He came over to Madison's side and gently kissed the top of her head. "Thanks for showing me around and feeding me. I'll see you in a little bit." He gave her a wink before heading out of the apartment back towards the edge of town where he'd parked his bike.

Jace's eyes followed Aiden as he left before returning to his sister. "He seems to like you."

Madison watched Aiden go with a smile before looking back at Jace when he spoke. "I kinda hope so.." She said with a small blush. "Because I like him.. I just don't want to be too eager.. I couldn't bare to be dumped twice in a matter of days." She joked lightly.

"That's smart but at least your willing to try. Which is good... at least one of is smart." Jace smiled gently and got to his feet. "His eyes kinda shine when he looks at you. Just be careful on that bike of his, understand me?" He headed towards his room, intent on getting ready.

"I will I promise. Now you make sure you have fun tonight, understand me?" Madison returned the question playfully but didn't wait for an answer. "Go get dressed. I'll be back as soon as I can. Call me if you need me.." She gave one final smile then turned and headed from the apartment, intent on finding the perfect dress.

Some time later Jace came out of his room in black slacks, his chucks and was rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. He glanced at himself, his shirt opened several buttons at the top with it tucked into his pants. He looked nice but not extremely dressy, just how he liked it. He picked his wallet and cellphone up from the counter and flinch as a ripple of pain went through him. "Shit..."

"Hey! What is it? Are you ok?" Madison asked in a concerned tone as she emerged from her own room, just in time to see him flinch. She was dressed in a plunging full length dress, with a split up to her thigh. The form fitting bodice was bejeweled with diamonds and gems and sparkled in the light. Her hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders and her make up was kept to a natural minimal. "Jace..are you sure you should be going?" She asked as she moved to his side and looked at him with a worried expression.

Jace turned at the sound of his sister's voice. He hadn't heard her come back from shopping. He definitely didn't want her hearing him in his moment of weakness. Sighing heavily he shook his head. "I'm going..." His eyes narrowed at her dress but he inhaled deeply. "As much as this pains me, you look absolutely beautiful." Just then there was a knock on the door that led to the stairway outside. He had added on the second entrance a year after he'd bought the building so that visitors didn't have to come through the dojo. Walking over to it, he flung the door open to find a delivery boy on his steps. "Jace, I'm sorry it took so long to get these here." He young boy handed over his medication. He was one of Jace's usual students. "If you need anything, just let me know." With that the boy headed off to his next stop. "Thank the gods..." He mumbled as he closed the door and made his way back over to the counter to get a Gatorade and take his medicine.

"Thank you!" Madison called after the student then turned and followed after Jace. "It pains you that your adult sister looks beautiful?" She asked playfully but didn't wait for an answer. "Would you like me to take some of your medicines in my bag, if you need them at the party?" She asked him.

Jace had opened his mouth to explain why he didn't like her being beautiful but she cut him off. His face softened as he moved to wrap his arms around her in a hug. "I'm supposed to be the one to take care of you." He sighed gently and kissed her temple. "That would be great, thank you." Just then he could hear the roaring of an engine pulling up out front and dying quickly. "Prince Charming is here."

Aiden bounded up the steps two at a time. Coming to the door he paused to give himself another once over and knocked gently on the door. He should have brought a jacket. What if she got cold on the bike or the yacht? Clearly it had been a while since he'd been on a date... well a proper date.

Madison looked excitedly towards the door then back at Jace. "I'll be back in a moment.." She said with a smile then turned and hurried to the door. She paused to check her reflection in the mirror to the side then after a small breath opened the door and smiled out at Aiden. "I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me.." She said playfully. "Please come in."

Aiden stared pointedly at Madison for a moment, words completely failing him until he heard Jace clear his throat in the background. "Sorry... you just... you're breathtaking." He smiled softly at her as he stepped into the loft. He looked over at Jace and gave him a friendly nod before taking Madison's hand and twirling her around gently. "I'm going to have the most beautiful date there."

"Yes, you are, though Adela will come to a close second I believe." Jace smiled softly as he turned back to his medicine and dumped a couple into a small baggy. "I've got everything I think I'll need." He'd swallowed a couple pills a few moments before and hoped they would kick in very soon.

Madison laughed lightly as Aiden spun her then looked over at Jace as he spoke. She nodded at his words then slipped her hand from Aiden's so she could move over to take the bag of pills from her brother and slip them into her bag. She stepped over to him and gave him a gentle hug before stepping back and smiling at him. "Remember have fun tonight..but try not to hurt yourself again." She teased lightly. "Now do you need us to wait with you until Adela gets here?"

"Of course not." Jace rolled his eyes gently at his sister and shook his head. "I've been on my own longer than you. Go.. Have fun." He gave her a gentle push towards her date. "Take care of her." He gave Aiden his brotherly look before a hint of a smile crossed his face.

Aiden gave him an understanding nod. "She couldn't be in safer hands." He assured Jace as he moved out of the way and held the door open for his date.

"Such a gentleman." Madison commented playfully as she picked up her bag and headed for the door. "We'll see you at the party." She waved back at Jace before grabbing Aiden's hand and pulling him outside with her. "You're looking very handsome by the way. I definitely picked the right date." She smiled at him.

Aiden linked his fingers with hers as they made their way down the staircase. It wasn't like one of those metal ones you see in the cities but wood and very sturdy. Once down on the street he led her over to a very large cruiser that read Harley Davidson on the side. It had a custom paint job with a blazing sun set high in a cloudless sky. Clearly it was a piece he cherished. Before climbing onto it he tugged Madison close and cupped her cheek. "I'm going to be the luckiest guy at the party." His thumb brushed across her cheek as he stared down into her eyes. "Hopefully my dancing doesn't embarrass you." His lips turned up at the corners as he gently released her and climbed onto the bike so she had something to hold onto as she climbed on.

"I doubt you could ever embarrass me Aiden." Madison smiled as she placed a hand on his shoulder and carefully climbed onto the bike behind him, making sure the fabric of her skirt was carefully gathered up so it didn't get caught up when they moved off. She shifted closer to him then wrapped her arms round his chest. "Ready." She said with an excited smile.

Aiden reached up and brushed his fingertips along her hands before gripping the handgrip and starting the bike. He gave it a soft rev, the entire thing roaring and trembling beneath them. He gave a soft chuckle as he kicked up the kickstand and took off down the street. He headed back to BotO The Marina, the only place he'd really seen with her.

Adela pulled up to the dojo in time to see Madison leaving on the back of a bike. She shook her head to herself, that was not a good thing to be wearing on a bike, she hoped her date didn't have to lay the bike over, Jace would likely take the skin his sister lost from the poor guy the hard way. She sighed and got out of the Charger, heading up to knock on the door.

Jace had started to pace after his sister left with Aiden, both from worrying about her and nervous about his night with Adela. It probably meant more to him than it did her but... he was still a bit nervous. A knock sounded at the door and he hurried over to it, moving faster than he should, causing him to groan loudly. He held a hand to his ribs as he opened the door, hoping she didn't hear him or see his pain. But when he opened the door it all melted away. His hands fell to his sides and a soft gasp slipped from his lips. She was absolutely stunning. "You are absolutely stunning..." He said breathlessly.

Adela smiled, though there was some tension in it, "Thanks, you look good too." She said and he really did, "You clean up nice. So does your kid sister, you really let her hop on a bike with that much skin showing?"

Jace gave a shrug, wincing slightly from the sudden jerk. "I can't keep her as my prisoner forever and Aiden seems like a nice guy. I didn't get any bad vibes from him." He glanced over his shoulder than back to her. "Would you like to come in before we head out?" He didn't want to push her into anything she wasn't ready to do so he'd let her lead.

"Sure." Adela nodded, stepping through the doorway, "I'm not so worried about the guy, that's an awful lot of pretty skin to loose if something happened with that bike though." She had seen too many motorcycle accidents where riders needed skin grafts because they were wearing tank tops without any protective gear. "What time is this thing anyways?"

Jace stared at her blankly, panic setting in. He hadn't thought about Aiden loosing control of the machine or having to use defensive tactics. They would barely go above the speed limit. He hope. Clearing his throat he looked down at his watch. "The boat sets sail at 6 so about 40 minutes..." Though now with these thoughts in his mind he was itching to get there now.

Adela noticed the change in his body language and gave him an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sure they'll be fine." She assured him. She wished she could be so sure about Archer.

Jace nodded his head gently. He gave her a small smile. "I'm ready if you are. It would be nice to just relax for an evening. I'm glad to be out of the hospital, that's for sure." His eyes were soft as he stared at her for a moment. "Thank you again for coming to get me."

Adela nodded, "Yeah, I'm just sorry I'm so distracted." She said, "My car's just outside." She said, nodding toward the door.

Jace crossed to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Well I hope to relax you and take your mind of things tonight. Sound good?" He tipped his head to the side as he gently led her out of the loft, closing and locking the door behind them and helping her down the stairs.

She nodded and followed him, eyes tearing up as they helped each other down the stairs, "They won't let me see Archer." Adela told Jace quietly.

Jace pursed his lips together for a moment. "Well I'd think he's probably under close supervision. I doubt anyone is allowed to see him. 'Cept maybe the doctors." As he made their way over to the charger he held out his hand. "May I drive you down there?"

Adela shook her head but didn't respond until he asked to drive, "That depends on what meds you're on, Jace." She said pointedly.

Jace gave a soft sigh and shook his head. "Nothing that will impair my driving. I would never risk your safety like that." He stared down at her, a bit sad she had even had that thought cross her mind. He wasn't reckless and stupid.

"Really?" Adela looked surprised, "I would have expected them to have you on Vicodin or something." She admitted, handing him her keys and moving around to the passenger side. It wasn't that she thought he was reckless, she just knew sometimes people on pain meds didn't realise they were impaired.

Jace took her keys as he opened the passenger door for her. He closed the door after she had climbed in and hurried around to climb into the drivers seat. He started the car up and pulled away from the curb. "They did, Vicodin doesn't make me drowsy or anything. Only thing it ever does it dull my pain." The doctors had tried giving him a higher dosage but he always refused. He hated medicine in the first place so this was as far as it went. "But don't worry, if it starts to effect me I'll let you know." He said softly as he drove to BotO the Marina.


BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

Username (or number or email):


2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: Short placement post.

2016-04-12 [Painted Autumn]: Isn't it like 8 am? Shouldn't he be in school? Or headed there?

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: Nope. School ended.

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: In-RP day started at lunch.

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: At least, it did for Archer, Adela, Valerie and Hroda.

2016-04-12 [ancienteye]: But Hroda can wait until other timelines sync up. XD

2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: Ah yes, encourage the man with extensive medical training to attack someone. xD I certainly hope it wasn't her room mate or that man is in for a world of pain.

2016-04-16 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol it was and it wasn't. XD

2016-04-16 [ancienteye]: ...Just so you know, I made a file of sites and images I want to use if I do make the Hera character. He's going to be a divorce attorney.

2016-04-16 [ancienteye]: Suing lawyers is a bad idea. But I would sue anyways. 'Cause he's a dick.

2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: I'm surprised none of these characters have been married before.

2016-04-16 [ancienteye]: Maybe they have been?

2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: Maybe, but I can't imagine who.

2016-04-16 [ancienteye]: ...If Tilly was anyone but Tilly I'd say that she could be a divorcee...But she's Tilly.

2016-04-16 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Are we moving back to Sebastian's house now, Autumn?

2016-04-16 [Painted Autumn]: Sure we can. Post wherever you'd like us to go next. :)

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: ...Should...Should I move Hroda somewhere else?...'Cause he's getting kinda hard to find. XD

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: I'm surprised Hroda and Lena aren't going to be friends. They're both nuts. Lena should teach drama.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD They'll probably click instantly if they ever meet. BFFs~

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: I could see that lol

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: XD

So, Celtore, should I move Hroda or what? :o He's getting buried!

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: You can

2016-04-18 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Hmmm, eyelash, what shall we do with them now?

2016-04-18 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Hmm not really sure

2016-04-18 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I guess we could do a small timeskip... maybe like an hour? Say they were both working hard like busy little bees and then move on somewhere else?

2016-04-18 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yeah if you like :)

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: Ew... lol

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: XD Which is ew?

2016-04-24 [Synirria]: All of it lol... only thing I eat that you listed is Ketchup and gummy bears

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD Yeah, German potato salad is horrible. :/

2016-04-30 [ancienteye]: ...I've been busy lately...

...mind if Hroda butts in, soon?

2016-04-30 [Artsy]: Worry not, ancient! "Tomorrow" Hroda will have someone he can rp with a lot. Well, 2 people, since he'll see Valerie at school.

2016-04-30 [ancienteye]: Whoot~ XD That works!

2016-05-08 [Artsy]: I think i'll leave Haidee's response a mystery and call an end to that section. =P

2016-05-08 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Lol ok :)

2016-05-10 [Synirria]: <img200*0:>

2016-05-10 [ancienteye]: Ooh~

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: *fangirl squeal* She should just call him "baby bear" for all of their married lives because THAT IS TOO DAMN CUTE.

2016-05-14 [Artsy]: lol I love that you are already planning on them being married. XD
<.< >.>
Me too.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: oooo Luke, getting brave.

2016-05-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Madison has joined Risk and Lena Cat :)

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Soooooooooooo is it Madison's turn or Risk's?

2016-05-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: It's Risk's post :)

2016-05-14 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Sorry, I was out of the house most of the day! I'm home now!

2016-05-15 [Synirria]: Gosh how rude, spending your Saturday doing something other than staring at a computer screen... selfish!!! <3<3<3

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I know, I'm so horrible. ( - __ - )

2016-05-15 [Synirria]: *Hugs* I still love you

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Oh good *clings*

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: *hops excitedly*

Ooh! Ooh! I have an idea!

Ok, so Dorian and Cash are planning to go fishing Friday if Cash's meeting with the judge goes well, right? So if Cash meets Risk sometime after the meeting but before he meets with Dorian for their morning coffee, would Risk accept Cash inviting him along? 'Cause Cash is totally would invite someone else along without asking Dorian if it was ok.

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Cat?

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol! Yes, Risk would accept, if nothing else came up before then. XD

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Yay~ Dorian and Risk gonna bond~ XD XD XD

It'll have to be later in the afternoon in this in-RP day. :o The asking, not the fishing.

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *nod nod*

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: ...Should Cash or Jace go first?

2016-05-15 [Synirria]: Cash can I couldn't remember who I was bumping into to be honest. I went to bed and woke up with no recollection

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD Ok.

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Hope you don't mind me assuming Cash knows Risk that well, Cat. :o

2016-05-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Celtore did you post?

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: REDO!

Hope you don't mind me assuming Cash knows Risk that well, Cat. :o

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Well, he represented him during his past two divorces, didn't he? XD I think he would know him pretty well.

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: Awesome~

2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: Approximately: Risk had already graduated high school when Madison was in the fifth grade.
Risk was learning simple math and writing when she was still pooping diapers.
Risk was in college when Madison finally hit the teens.

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol yes, I'm aware of the age difference. :P

2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: I think a larger age difference is more tragically romantic, I'm just amazed by the comparison. I have a friend, 26 years old, married to a 46 year old man. I like to tease her too. "He was out of high school for 2 years before you were even born." "He had GRADUATED college before you even started school."

2016-05-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: I changed Madison's age to 21 :)

2016-05-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: So its only 7 years I think between them

2016-05-15 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol ah, see? And yeah, I find it interesting, too. I used to tease a friend of mine when we were 18 and she had started dating a 30 year old. It was weird.

2016-05-15 [Painted Autumn]: Yes, I know, thus my comment.

2016-05-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: They're only going on a date, doesn't mean they're going to start going out :P Personally I'm rooting for Lena to find romance XD

2016-05-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: I've altered Madison's history and age so she is 24 now which should still fit in with everything that's happened. The only real important thing is that she's younger than Jace lol So now there's only three years between her and Risk :P I actually prefer it that she's a little older to be honest, she fits in better with a lot more of the characters now :)

2016-05-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: plus it makes more sense as to why she and Jade would be good friends, they're both the same age :)

2016-05-15 [Artsy]: .... missed the double entendre....
...... too lazy to fix it.

2016-05-16 [ancienteye]: ...Cash speaks very casually when he's not on the clock. XD

2016-06-02 [ancienteye]: SORRYSORRYSORRY!

2016-06-03 [Synirria]: Lol its okay

2016-07-12 [Artsy]: Oh, I was going to post for Haidee, but it's not my turn. lol

2016-07-25 [Synirria]: Please tell me that post isn't finished... lol there isn't even a name!

2016-07-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Oops. Sorry, I've been playing exclusively in one on one games for over a year. I have to get back in the habit of making sure I have my characters names in every post

2016-08-03 [Synirria]: Sorry, I archived on my phone so I missed the Luke ad Haidee one

2016-08-14 [ancienteye]: Eeeeeeh, should I post in a new section?

2016-08-14 [Synirria]: Post wherever you want

2016-08-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: We should probably move Luke and Haidee's posts over to the farm page

2016-08-15 [Synirria]: Good idea. Have at it love. I would but I'm on my phone.

2016-08-15 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Haha same here :) I'll do it ASAP

2016-08-15 [Synirria]: Nice lol here I'll jump on my computer really fast before I leave to go pick up some kittens

2016-09-25 [Kbird]: Should I use an hr line before posting?

2016-09-25 [Synirria]: Yes please

2016-09-25 [Kbird]: Are we the only ones posting on this page right now?

2016-09-25 [Synirria]: I think so

2016-09-25 [Kbird]: Okay, just wanted to make sure I wasn't cutting anyone off.

2016-10-03 [Kbird]: sorry I wasn't on for a bit, I forgot to mention a wedding I was attending.

2016-10-16 [Synirria]: We're sitting at a stand still again and KBird hasn't been on in 13 days...

2016-10-16 [~Valkyrie~]: HA!! Stole the page!:p

2016-10-16 [Synirria]: Hey, Eyelash, Cat... can you two slow down a bit... Valkyrie posted but it disappeared for some reason and she'd really like the chance to post again but can't get a word in with you two :P

2016-10-16 [~Valkyrie~]: I got it :) Carry on :p

2016-10-16 [Synirria]: She got it back up, thanks ladies

2016-10-17 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Don't Jace and Risk already know each other? Jace is the one with the martial arts studio, right?

2016-10-17 [Synirria]: Yes ma'am... Have they met? lol

2016-10-17 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I just vaguely recall them having a brief interaction at some point... Jace already doesn't like Risk. Wasn't it because he saw him snatch a fruit from what's his face's box?

2016-10-17 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Luke :P and I think you're right cat

2016-10-17 [Synirria]: Oooo that's right!!! I'd forgotten about that! Let me fix my post

2016-10-17 [Synirria]: Well After Val posts lol

2016-10-17 [Synirria]: Fixed mine

2016-10-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Jace? Adela?

2016-10-19 [Synirria]: Sorry it never popped for me

2016-10-24 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Cat?

2016-10-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Mow?

2016-11-01 [Kbird]: so sorry I haven't posted had vacation and unexpected internet trouble.

2016-11-01 [Synirria]: Sorry we moved around your character. I didn't know you were going to be gone but I didn't want to hold up the rp. I don't think I moved her.

2016-11-02 [Kbird]: I understand, and I'm sorry for being gone so long.
so were should I post at?

2016-11-02 [Synirria]: I'm trying to think... I'm not sure there are any characters out and about right now. Or am I mistaken? Anyone?

2016-11-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Eyelash and I are in the streets right now, but it'll be a bit before she posts again.

2016-11-02 [Synirria]: I didn't suggest you two because you're on a date lol

2016-11-02 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Very well. *sits back*

2016-11-02 [Painted Autumn]: Dorian will be on his way home soon... does he need to stop to interact with anyone? This day has gone on so long I almost forgot he's neighbors with Tilly.

2016-11-03 [Kbird]: I'll probably just have her post after the day ends since it's getting late.

2016-11-15 [ancienteye]: ...I forgot that Cash was going to invite Risk to fishing with him and Dorian. Can we just say he did so that afternoon during the time gap while Risk was at his office?

2016-11-15 [Synirria]: Was that going to be today? We're only on day 2 of the rp

2016-11-15 [ancienteye]: Yeah, he was going to do that in the afternoon. The actual fishing trip isn't for a couple more days, but the invite was today.

2016-11-15 [Painted Autumn]: He can just invite him tomorrow if you want. It's not a big deal.

2016-11-15 [ancienteye]: Well, yeah, sure. But I'm asking if Black Cat wants Cash to ask later, or if we should say he did today, because there's a chunk of time that isn't in the RP where Risk goes back to work for a bit before heading home. XD

2016-11-16 [Synirria]: Oh I get what you're saying. Just say that the invite did happen

2016-11-16 [~Valkyrie~]: Every time I try to post from my phone my browser crashes so I'm gonna post here and move it up when I switch to my computer.

"Well I think you're good company too." Adela said as she reached into her purse, "But seriously, you really don't need to worry about me." She assured him, showing him her open purse with a conspiritory smile. Nestled inside a side pouch was a .40 caliber "Baby Eagle" hand gun and a piece of paper that was presumably her concealed carry permit.

2016-12-27 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Changing the location of my post

2016-12-27 [Synirria]: Did you end up posting? I never saw one...

2016-12-27 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yeah a few days ago I had Luke go into the store. Changed my mind though

2016-12-27 [Synirria]: Oh yeah I remember that, plus I got your message, so we're good lol

2017-01-09 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2017-01-09 [Painted Autumn]: Oh lord Teos is going to have his hands full..

2017-01-09 [Artsy]: Teos is going to know she's in town.

2017-01-13 [~Valkyrie~]: Archer or Jace?

2017-01-13 [Synirria]: Oh shit that's right... I forgot you told me that

2017-01-13 [~Valkyrie~]: Lol

2017-01-18 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Is Jace, Adella and Archer outside Jaces apartment? Madisons just getting back so just want to know if she'll bump into them

2017-01-18 [~Valkyrie~]: Yup

2017-01-18 [Eyelash-Wishes]: OK I'll post at the bottom with an interaction towards them :)

2017-01-18 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Eyelash!! You forgot to answer Risk!!

2017-01-18 [Eyelash-Wishes]: I didn't O_o it's at the bottom too lol

2017-01-19 [ancienteye]: So Madison is coming on the fishing trip, too? Does Cash know at this point?

2017-01-19 [Eyelash-Wishes]: No don't think so. I don't think Madison knows it's a fishing trip lol

2017-01-19 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD Everyone gets surprised! Except Risk.

2017-01-19 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Haha yeah XD

2017-01-20 [Artsy]: Risk isn't a lawyer.... right?

2017-01-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: No, he's a business consultant.

2017-01-20 [~Valkyrie~]: Oh, I thought he was a lawyer, well Adela doesn't know everything


2017-01-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Lol! When was Risk supposed to go fishing with Cash and Dorian again?

2017-01-20 [ancienteye]: The in-RP day is Thursday. They are supposed to go "tomorrow". Friday.

2017-01-20 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Ah. Lol. Good.

2017-01-20 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

2017-01-21 [Painted Autumn]: Oh man.. Dorian's not going, no one mentioned this to him. lol

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Jace was invited? Why didn't anyone tell me?

2017-01-21 [Eyelash-Wishes]: He's only just been invited. Risk asked Madison to ask him :)

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Maybe I just don't remember because its been so long lol

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Oooooooooooo okay lol

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Then I probably read that and forgot :P

2017-01-21 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Haha, I'll have Madison sent Jace a text to ask him

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: *Nods* And that way he can invite the others *Winks*

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: Is Nathan going to be invited?

2017-01-21 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Of course!

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: XD

2017-01-22 [Painted Autumn]: ... having no idea why they are there, that was a weird assortment of things.

2017-01-22 [Synirria]: I just noticed that you put a homeless shelter in town... Athens Harbor is too small a town for a shelter. Way to small so I'd think the nearest city would be the closest place for a shelter

2017-01-22 [ancienteye]: Speaking as someone who lives in a very small town that is just half an hour away from a considerably larger and ever-growing one...A lot of us say that we're "in town" when we mean we're in the bigger place.

2017-01-22 [Synirria]: Bigger place?

2017-01-22 [ancienteye]: The larger town.

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